Thirteen Thousand

127 13 5

24 AD

Hades led Helix up a polished gold staircase to a beautiful door wrought entirely of sapphire. To either side of the arched entrance lay a creature somewhat resembling a dog. If a dog had three heads, was hairless and looked at you with blood red eyes. The god gave one of the monstrous heads an affectionate pat as it snarled.

"Don't mind them. Cerberus snarl at everything." Speaking in a lilting language Helix assumed he wasn't supposed to understand, Hades said, "No eating the guest my sweets. If his haunting souls come calling again do chase them back to the pit."

Following Hades inside Helix realized the entire inside of the fortress was really more of a palace. Everything was either formed of polished gold or precious stones. The foyer was a grand sweeping room with high ceilings and many doors leading off to either side. In the back of the room was an open archway leading into what appeared at a glance to be some kind of throne room.

Hades led him to a door on the left and down a short hall. At the end was the only wooden door Helix had seen in the whole place. Carved from mahogany and depicting fantastical beasts of many kinds all bowing before a sculpture that highly resembled Hades.

The god pushed, the door swinging open with a soft click. "Welcome to your home away from home."

The room was large with a cushioned couch and small table. Through an open back archway, there was a bedroom and to the left, a door left ajar revealed a bathing chamber.

Helix took in the room, "Thank you. I don't intend to stay long."

"No matter." Hades shrugged, "I took the liberty of placing clothes for you in the bedroom. Although, I must admit I find both of your forms highly attractive."

Avoiding Hades entirely to curious stare, Helix thanked him then padded toward the bedroom.

"When you are refreshed and ready to talk, take a left from the hall door. I have some petitions to manage so I will be warming the throne with my ass." With that, the god of hell took his leave.


The black material was soft as silk against Helix's human skin. A long-sleeved, fitted shirt with gold brocade at the cuffs and neck. Trousers that he at first scoffed at due to their tight design, but once he was wearing them instantly fell in love. The outfit was completed with supple leather boots and a matching cape with a golden wolf head clasp.

Helix felt ridiculous. He also felt more clean and comfortable then he'd ever felt, short of being naked. Giving his reflection one more glance in the looking glass he turned and went looking for Hades. It did not take long.

As he stepped into the throne room there was a low appreciative whistle. Helix snorted softly at the appraising look Hades was giving him.

"Thank you for the clothes."

"No thank you. You fill them in all the right places." Hades licked his lips, red eyes flickering in approval.

Choosing to ignore the reaction Helix, wasted no time, "I have a request. A couple of them actually."

The provocative flicker of Hades' gaze dimmed slightly. Still, he flashed a grin and nodded. "By all means, do tell?"

"I need passage to the Fate to find Nona."

Hades rolled his eyes, "No."


"You need to find Decuma and think Nona will be able to help. You also need an entire army to fight her witches and whatever minions Zeus decides to throw at you." Hades smirked slightly, "And unless I'm mistaken you want answers about the spirits of your father and Eslein's sister who were tormenting you by the gate. Does that about sum it up?

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