
176 20 16

24 AD

"If you want him as a commander then you are being far too gentle with him, your majesty." Cinix's scathing rebuke was muffled in its delivery through the closed, solid, wood door. "Humans aren't meant to know the things we know. It tends to drive them mad."

Still wearing his wolf skin, Helix cringed. Eslein's apt nickname of, bastard, never rang truer. Why the creature felt the need to insert himself into this situation was beyond him.

"We do not need your help, thanks!" Marcel snapped, anger taking the place of shock on his face, "And I am not mad."


Helix groaned inwardly, outwardly he hardened his tone, "Cinix, let us be."

"As you wish. But your highly attractive male witch is here to see you. Figured you might want to know."


Helix forced his mind to focus on Marcel who looked at him with the expression of a man waiting to explode into questions. If he did not convince his friend to at least calm down, he had the feeling Marcel would end up getting hurt by either Cinix or Ynyr.

Scenting the air Helix could smell Marcel's fear but also his anger. "What did he mean by the, Your Majesty?"

"I have told you before was born in Arcadia."

Marcel nodded.

"What I did not tell anyone is that I am the last surviving son of the royal house Lycon. My family was murdered in person by Zeus when I was eight. He killed my father, my mother, my father's many wives and concubines, and all of my siblings, plus a good portion of the palace staff that day. He rained down lighting from sunny skies to strike everyone his eyes touched. This is why I hunt him.

"You are my friend, Marcel, a man I trust without reservation. Become my commander. I promise you knowledge beyond reckoning and if you choose it, a chance to become more than human. Only if you choose it."

Marcel took a deep breath, "Can you," he gestured at Helix, "Go back to the normal you?"

Standing, Helix forced the shift again. Panting through the pain he crouched on his hands and knees until the torture subsided. After pulling his clothes on Helix crossed the room, standing in front of Marcel.

"Let me think about it?"

Helix nodded, "Yes. There is one more thing you need to know."

Marcel visibly winced, "Not sure I can take much more."

"Commander Ynyr is a witch."

Curses again poured from Marcel's lips. "He's here isn't he?"


"And that is why you need his help?"


Marcel ground his teeth for a moment before pulling his shoulders back and standing taller, "Give me overnight to think about all this... information."

Helix tilted his head in agreement, "I accept that. Please be careful with Ynyr. He has his own ideas0 about things, and I am not sure how he will react to my approaching you."

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