Before the Storm

167 18 5

25 AD

Helix stood on the roof of the consul's mansion letting all the cascading scents of spices, refuse, and all things city, blend together with the bustling sounds of people and animals within his heightened perception. It was a lonely place. Perfect for distancing himself from the constant questions, concerns, and responsibilities he had returned to. He needed that distance. Eslein was gone. She had left without a word to anyone. Vanished in the night. Ynyr had attempted to find the young witch using his abilities shortly after her disappearance but all he got was a mental message from her saying to stay far away from her.  Of course, Helix acknowledged that he was being foolish. Sure, he had started to let Eslein into his heart, but it wasn't as if being betrayed and misled was anything new to him. 

"It is nice up here. The view really is stellar." 

"What do you need Cinix?" Helix asked without turning, letting his muscles relax as he recognized the voice. The otherworldly creature could be both silent and undetectable at will, even to his heightened senses. 

Cinix sat, letting his legs dangle over the edge of the roof, "We need to talk about the gifts Hades gave you." 

"I have other things on my mind right now," Helix answered blandly. 

"You should wear the clothes he gave you as often as possible. They will be more valuable than you realize," Cinix produced a curved horn flask from somewhere on his person. Taking a sip he held it up toward Helix until the brooding young man took it and sat next to him, "And I commend you on your wisdom of keeping that gem on you at all times." 

Helix took a drink, savoring the strong burn of the alcohol down his throat, "Somehow I think I will draw a bit more attention in day to day life, wearing that bizarre getup than we can afford to have."

"Those clothes are just as," Cinix paused, making a face, "Let us call it enchanted, as your periapt. Have you tried shifting while wearing them?"

Helix eyes suddenly lit up, "No."

"I would bet my soul they shift with you." Cinix took the flask back, swallowing another mouthful, "How many soldiers did he send in that thing? It gives off more power than I can easily read."

So Helix told him. He gave Cinix the whole story of what had happened while he had been in the underworld. Whether from a desire to share his troubles with someone, or maybe because he wanted Cinix to know that he now had access to enough power to fight the world the walker, he could not say. 

Cinix tilted his head studying the star-strewn horizon as he quietly mused, "Thirteen thousand undead warriors, one demon and a witches soul, against a god, a seer and any number of witches and other god raised soldiers. We may just have a chance."

"Don't forget five hundred shifters, whatever witches will come to Ynyr's call and one world walking bastard."

The blond flashed a sharp-toothed grin, "That does even the odds nicely." 


Ynyr and Marcel had the chosen shifters assembled in neat rows. Each one had proven they could shift at will and fight in both forms. Marcel had personally changed each and every one. They deferred to him, but would occasionally still argue. Toward Helix though they all acted intensely submissive. One man described it as an urge to obey he could not imagine refusing. To some, it seemed unsettling, but to most, they willingly went along with their new instincts. 

It had been a week since he'd returned from the underworld. Preparing carefully he had told Ynyr, Marcel and Cinix of his intention to carry the army in the periapt, through the Specter, and into Arcadia. Commander Ynyr was unsettled with the idea more than he had ever seen him. Marcel just shrugged and said that in light of all the other odd things that had happened it made just as much sense. Cinix surprisingly was fully on board with the plan. Of course, he also knew of the other occupants of the stone that neither of the other two knew about.

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