Life Choices

163 18 29

24 AD

Helix watched Marjani check over the now unconscious Marcel. As he'd predicted the moment his friend had been rendered unconscious by Marjani's herbs his body had shifted back to human. Of course, this was only temporarily helpful. Marcel would have to learn to shift on his own and soon.

"He will be fine child." Marjani wiped her hands clean of the herbs on a small rag.

"I know. Is there anything that can be done for the pain of shifting?"

"That is beyond my skill. Even this," She waved a hand at Marcel's sleeping body, "I would not have known without you."

Helix ran a hand through his black hair, "Fair enough. Will you watch over him until he wakes? I need to take care of a few things."

"Of course child. Run along now."

Helix was halfway to the door when he heard her whisper quietly, "Are ya sure about all this child? It will cause a great deal of suffering to many." Wincing, he turned and came back to her side.

Her eyes were watery as they flicked back to him. At that moment she had never looked older to him. It sent a pang of regret through Helix so strong he had to grind his teeth to keep from letting out a wolffish sigh.

Extending his arms Helix wrapped her in a tight embrace, which she fell into willingly. "There is a cost to everything in life. Perhaps this course will do as you say and cause much suffering, but I can't help but ask how much suffering has been caused by and in the name of Zeus? I do not believe for a moment my experiences with him have been singular. How many other families has he destroyed? Zeus murders innocents and never thinks twice. Who else will stop him if not I? Perhaps I am out for vengeance but it will help others too."

Leaning back she studied his face. "Ya speak truth. Yet, do ya plan to hunt down all the gods who have murdered innocents or just the one who has harmed your loved ones?"

"I..." Helix blinked, "Let's do one thing at a time."

"Fair enough." With a heavy sigh, Marjani stepped back then made a shewing motion. "Go on now. I will watch the captain."


Consul Marcus Sabinus spent no effort in hiding his expression of interest as Helix and Ynyr greeted him in the hall of his is ornate home. "I want to see it."

The man's demanding tone made Helix fight to hold in a snarl.  Instead, he tilted his head in a casual, near mocking, gesture of greeting. "In due time. First, you will show me proof of what I need."

Marcus took a threatening step forward but was matched in kind by Ynyr. For a moment the two stood, faces mere inches apart. The witch pulled his power tight in the air causing the Consul to visibly shiver.

"Very well." Marcus retreated, leading them further into the house. "The anomaly is contained in the lowest level. None of the staff is allowed near it. To easy for them to jump through and vanish. I lost six good slave girls to it."

Helix ground his teeth at the mention of slaves. He had not forgotten his last visit to the Consul's estate. Redirecting his thoughts, he asked, "Does anyone ever come back?"

"No. But sometimes screams or whispers can be heard through it."


"Unintelligible things in some other language."

At last, they stood before a plain wood door. Marcus pulled a key from his pocket and turned the lock. As the door swung inward Helix immediately saw the rift. A blackness, darker then the darkest night floated near one wall. The apparition was just large enough for a man to step into if he bent his head.

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