
161 17 14

24 AD

"He will help us." Helix answered Eslein's, over lunch inquiry, "And he thinks some of his men might be willing to come aboard as well."

"And Marcel?"

"Haven't talked to him yet. Ynyr asked me to wait until after he briefs him." Helix shrugged, taking a bite of bread.

"Do you really think you can make men, become like you?"

Eslein fiddled slightly with her spoon. Her eyes constantly darting around the dining room. There were more doors into this room then would ever be necessary. Twelve of them to be exact. One led into the kitchen, some led into a large foyer, others into various halls.

"Maybe. My bite does something to them. Or it did back in the forest."

Again the witches eyes wandered around the room, her expression tense.

"Eslein, is everything okay?" Helix asked softly.

Her blue eyes met his, "I know you trust your friends but..." she shoved a stray strand of hair behind her ear, "There is something about Ynyr you don't understand."

Helix arched an eyebrow.

"Remember I told you once that he is, other? Not a coven leader but someone even the coven leaders look like children next too?"

He nodded.

Shifting uncomfortably in her chair she swallowed and continued, voice strained, "Ynyr Kornel is said to be the first of our kind. An ancient with the ability to power to strip any witches abilities, for himself, and to take the life energy of whomever he kills. He is ancient because he kills. He is powerful because he kills witches."

Helix blinked trying to process what she was saying. In a way, it lined up neatly with what he already knew. In another way, it didn't quite make sense. "If he kills so many witches how are there so many of you still around?"

"Decuma made more after him." She shrugged, "We multiplied by her creation and by breeding. Many of us are born with the Gift now. I have only met a few Made witches. Most of us are Born witches. Made witches always tend to be stronger. Born witches vary depending on how much power is in our bloodlines."

"You think Ynyr will kill you?" Helix did not like that thought at all. He wanted to deny that was even a possibility but hadn't Ynyr just fought him? Just released deadly power aimed for killing? Unease snaked down his spine. Perhaps Eslein was right to distrust the commander.

"I think he could. But I worry more about what he might do to you." Eslein looked at her clenched hands, folded on the table before her. A red blush was spreading across her cheeks. "Not only do I want you to live because I... admire you, but I also fear what all your power and possible immortality could turn him into."

Helix felt the words she avoided warm his heart. Standing he walked around to her side of the table and knelt beside her chair. Reaching out he took one of her hands in his. With the other, he gently lifted her chin making her meet his eyes. "I will protect you. You, who have traveled so far with me. You, who have given me your help when you have no reason to do so. I promise I will not let Ynyr Kornel, or any other creature bring harm to you."

"And who will protect you?" She whispered, tears rolling down her cheeks, "Who will protect you from the monsters Helix?"

Running a calloused thumb across her cheek he brushed her tears away then rose just enough to lean his forehead against hers. Still gently holding her head he whispered back, "You will. Because you love me."

Leaning closer, Helix pressed his lips into hers. She returned the kiss, her arms raising to wrap around his neck, hands tightening in his hair.

The sound of a door opening startled both of them to their feet. "What the- Marjani."

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