Return to Aquileia

169 20 26

24 AD

"What an interesting trio we make." Cinix snickered.

Helix, Eslein, and Cinix stood on the deck of a ship bound for Aquileia by way of the Montaron port. It had been an argument, but at last Cinix convinced Helix that he could find five hundred people just about anywhere and that if they stuck together it would cut down on a good deal of traveling. So here they were. A witch, a wolf, and an otherworldly aos si.

Eslein rolled her eyes stepping closer to Helix. Although barely noticeable, she seemed uneasy with the ships sway. Her eyes darted and though she looked relaxed, a muscle in her cheek twitched every now and then.

"You alright?" Helix asked her, low enough where only the three of them could hear.

She nodded stiffly saying nothing until Cinix snorted.

"Don't worry sweet, if you fall in I'll save you. Just like last time."

"Shut it ass." She left the males staring after her as crossed the deck and vanished below.

"What was that about?"

Cinix shrugged, "Ask her how we met sometime." Leaning against the ship's rail he ran a hand through his hair. "I would still love to know how you think an army of just five hundred will be enough?"

He had asked Helix the same question more times than the other male cared to count over the past week. Helix wasn't ready to share his plan with anyone. It still reeked of improbability. For now, he needed to grow his circle of trusted allies and gather more information about Zeus and Decuma.

"You will see."

In the distance, a disturbance in the water caught Helix's eye. With it, he felt the prickling sensation of being watched. Narrowing his eyes, Helix studied the spot where the water moved unnaturally against the waves. His eyes responded to his curiosity. The image became clearer, enhancing to the point of seeming like he was looking at something much closer to the ship. Realizing what, or rather who he was seeing made Helix swear softly under his breath. A few hundred yards away, Poseidon was watching him.

Cinix flicked his gaze to Helix's face. Instantly noticing his hooked attention the aos si followed his stare but saw nothing. "What do you see?"

"How is the god of the sea for company?"

"Eh. Depends on his very fickle mood. He and I do not often cross paths." Cinix shrugged then sobered, "Why do you think he is out there?"

"I do not think. I know. Guess my eyes are better than yours." Poseidon met his gaze a few moments longer before vanishing into the swells. Helix half expected the broad-chested mountain of a male to appear on the ship deck as he'd once seen happen in his youth. Yet, time flowed by without any further preternatural occurrence save the steady feeling of being watched.


Five years and not much had changed in Aquileia. The marble buildings gleamed a brilliant white, accented by the graceful green and vibrant flowers of the cultivated plants. Elegantly carved, but woefully incorrect, statues meant to depict the gods in all their glory stood resolute before the many temples. It was late afternoon as the trio made their way through the bustling streets. The strong scents of food washed and unwashed bodies, refuse, flowering plants and animals would have been a pleasant change from the constant salty fish smells that permeated shipboard life, save for Helix's over the sensitive sense of smell. He winced as a particularly disgusting man brushed past them. Focusing, he forced his acute senses as far down inside himself as he could manage. It helped. But only a small bit.

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