Of Answers & Questions

177 20 22

24 AD

Helix stepped back in shock. There was no mistake. Those were most certainly Sal's eyes.

Nona turned her gaze to Nythis then dropped it, sorrow crossing her face. "I am sorry for my failure my king. She was too quick for me to stop."

"All is well." The king pulled the woman gently to her feet. "Even taking back the sight I count as a victory. Decuma will take time to adjust and it may just serve to lure her back to us."

His grey eyes moved to Helix, "You should be careful. Decuma Salvius is a dangerous enemy even weakened as she is. So is Zeus."

It was then that Helix realized Zeus and Poseidon had vanished. The stranger leaned against the wall looking bored. Ares stood still as stone, still pale. The two Seer sisters were hugging as they walked away and last of all was Cinix slowly walking around the room his eyes closed, head tilted and nostrils flaring.

Questions threatened to fly from Helix but he held his tongue, still remembering where they were. But he did allow himself one, "Where did she go?"

Nythis tilted his head slightly, "My guess is your world. It is easier for her to hide there."

Helix bowed slightly, "Thank you, your majesty."

The king seemed to think a moment when he dropped his chin a fraction, returning the show of respect. "I should like to know you better. When you find the time, please come for another visit." With that he walked away, leaving the two gods, Cinix and Helix alone.

Ares strode forward his expression guarded, "I see you are embracing your new nature."

A sneer twisted his mouth, but before Helix could answer, Cinix stepped between them. "And new friends."

The stranger chuckled low in his throat. "Same old Cinix."

Ares backed away a step, throwing hateful glares at everyone. When he looked back at Helix his expression was stone. "Do be sure not to squander my gifts with the likes of him." He jerked his chin at Cinix. Then he bluntly asked, "Do you seriously intend to kill Zeus?"

It was a moment before Helix could settle on a response. "You already know my intentions. You told me you would give me the power to fight him. Remember?"

The gold eyed god's lips twitched slightly. "Fight, yes. Kill? I did not think it possible. Yet there you are, not a prince, a king. A king I unwittingly blessed. Had I known you were the last living heir you would be dead on that field."

His emotionless words did not phase Helix. Though, being called a king bothered him. Refusing to show anything to the god, Helix shrugged. "I guess gods do not know as much as they think."

To his left, there was a snort from a Cinix, and the stranger flat out laughed. Ares just stared. "We will meet again." In a blink, he shifted into a falcon and flew out through the arching hall.

"It takes a world-altering event for you to come to see me now?" The stranger asked one eyebrow quirked over his unique crimson eyes.

"Ha! I thought it was your turn to come to me?"

Cinix and the stranger met near where Helix stood, the males embraced. A very friendly embrace Helix noted as the stranger gave Cinix's ass a light tap.

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