Butterflys and Immortals

196 21 48

24 AD

The Seer was surprisingly sure-footed for a blind woman. Although Helix was not sure that 'woman' was really the right the word anymore. Maybe female would be a better choice? Padding behind her, Helix followed Nona back toward Brews-A-Plenty. There were a few people drifting along the streets which made the going somewhat slow. Not to mention laborious as Helix had to hide in shadows and bushes to avoid being seen. The hour was just past midnight when the Seer and wolf finally reached the inn. Golden light spilled from the windows. Nona reached toward the door but stopped as Helix spoke.

"Wait." Tilting his head he listened, keen ears picking up the sounds beyond the door. Merry singing and the chatter of voices deep in conversation filled his ears. It seemed witches and whatever else dined here did not participate in normal sleeping and waking hours. One voice though stood out from the rest, pulling his attention. Cinix.

"I told you he would not return, Sweet. Whether from embarrassment or fear who can say."

"Shut it." Eslein snapped back. She sounded hurt. Hurt and angry.

Helix inwardly grimaced. Her words as he ran away replaying in his mind. What the hell is wrong with you? What indeed. "Is there a way through without..." His words failed him for a moment. "Without making a scene? I am a wolf after all."

And that blond bastard will probably want to scuffle again. Then there was Eslein. Helix really did not want to see the pain in her blue eyes. His own shame was far too fresh to try and reassure her, and he was certain she would need quite a bit of reassurance after his unforgivable reaction and departure. Even knowing as little as he did on the subject of love and amorous pursuits, Helix knew women tended to prefer their partners not be thinking about another when engaged in coitus.

"Unless we go to another rift we have to go in. The next closest rift is a day and a half journey up the coast by boat. Twice that by land. Of course, there is no rush."

"I highly doubt Zeus will stay in the same place forever." His low growl was laced with sarcasm.

"Of course not! But I am the Seer of the Present." She spoke as if he should understand. When he failed to respond she let out a long-suffering sigh. "I can know where anyone and anything is at this very moment. What I want I think of, and I simply know. How else do you think I do not trip?

"Now, if we continue to stand at this door someone will come out it, wonder why we are standing here, and make a fuss. So kindly make a decision your princeliness."

Her biting tone made his hackles rise. "Fine. Open the damn door and let's get on with it."

Nona Salvius did just that.


The patrons of Brews-A-Plenty barely looked up as Nona stepped over the threshold. However, as Helix stepped in behind her, a massive black wolf with hackles raised and gleaming gold eyes everyone paused. A sharp sound broke the silence, a curse snapped with such ferocity that the wolf fought the urge to flinch.

"Hallow be damn!" Cinix strode down the stairs. Razored teeth on full display. "You aren't welcome here, Seer. And you-" His seething gaze flicked to Helix. "I intend to wring plenty of answers from. Both on my behalf and that of Eslein Rey."


Speak of the devil. Helix inwardly cringed. Eslein stood at the top of the stairs. Her midnight black hair falling loosely about her shoulders. For a moment the room faded away. Only the witch with her beauty, dressed in a soft black tunic and pants remained. It was the look of concern and relief that flashed in her blue eyes that pulled him back to reality. Maybe she would be angry. But she was also glad he was back.

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