Passion and Ruin

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WARNING MATURE: This chapter is mature! If you are uncomfortable with sexual content please sit this one out.

24 AD

Sensation, hot and bright tore through him at the feel of her lips against him. Her exotic wild honey smell, and her soft moan, as Helix tentatively ran his tongue over her lips made him ache in a way he'd never known. The world was nothing and everything all at once. Eslein's mouth opened to his tongue, hers searching in return. She tasted of cherries and sweetest wine.

The kiss lasted until both were breathless and gasping. As they pulled apart, gazing into each other's eyes, each with a question there Helix grinned slightly.

Eslein returned the grin then softly asked, "Was that your first kiss?"

Heat rose to his cheeks. "First kiss like that yes." He searched her eyes. "Was it... okay?"

She smiled and kissed him again. "Does that answer your question?" She whispered when their lips again parted.

He nodded. A fire burned in him. The desire to touch her, feel her skin, and again see her perfect curves unhindered by clothing pushed him to action. Helix let go of her wrists and found his hands sliding under her blouse. She was so damn soft! A calloused finger pressed and rubbed along her back, stomach and then her chest. Eslein arched into his touch a gasp escaping as he ran his thumbs over her breasts in soft, firm circles. When his hands slid away to explore further, their lips met again, tongues entwining.

Helix kissed his way down her neck, one hand in her hair, the other on her back. Her head tilted back as much as possible, giving him better access to her neck as she shivered under his touch. "You're perfect!" He growled gently against her skin.

Eslein smiled, "If you say so." With that, she tugged on his shirt front and pulled him toward the bed.

As they helped each other out of their clothes, throwing them off the bed to land wherever Helix allowed his eyes to suck in her beauty. Lean flexible muscles. A slender waist that dipped into shapely hips and perfect legs. Breasts, that while smaller than average, were perfectly symmetrical and drew his gaze. Her eyes, smoldered with desire.

Helix fully shared her wanting. Yet, he found himself fidgeting self-consciously as Eslein returned his gawking with an appreciative, studying stare of her own. Sculpted, toned muscles, hardened by years as a sailor and soldier, tingled under her gaze. His manhood was fully risen, expectant and demanding. As her eyes drifted down the awkwardness became too much to bear.

"I. Uh... don't." Helix looked away, face flushed as her gaze lifted to his. "I haven't done this."

"You're a virgin?" Her question was gentle, non-judgmental.

"Not exactly..." Foggy memories of Sal's body rushed to him, unbidden and unwelcome. 

She must have noticed his sudden discomfort because her soft fingers reached out, catching his face between her hands, Eslein kissed him deeply, her thumbs gently brushing his cheeks as she pulled back. It was a sweet kiss, yet Helix's mind yanked him far away as visions cascaded past his tightly closed eyes.


Black depths swirling as pressure built in his chest. He couldn't breathe! Red hair billowed in the current as a hand reached out to save him. Helix tried fruitlessly to pull away as her hand grasped his.

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