Boy vs. Man

310 42 104

23 AD

The condescension in Marcus Sabinus's baritone as he said the word, 'boy' was thick enough to make Helix want to punch him. Swallowing the urge, he forced his expression into amicability.

"Apologies consul. The commander general is the only one who can command my sword. You will have to speak to him regarding her execution. Meanwhile, if it please you my lord, I will take her to my commander for your safety and that of your guests."

Color rose across Marcus's neck and cheeks. "It does not please me! Kill her now!"

Every sore muscle protested as Helix turned away from the outraged man. He needed something to bind her with. He also needed help to get her to the barracks, especially if Marcus was going to fuss about his disobedience, and the man did seem like the fussing sort.

Helix rubbed his forehead, so many things were wrong or unusual with this whole day that he could not keep up. Remembering the men he'd come with he looked up and scanned the rail above. The angle was steep allowing very little of the room to be seen from this spot. Surely Aldis would know he'd fallen into the pit. Where was he then? For that matter where were the four he'd sent to help with pit security?

Ignoring the consul, Helix raised his voice and shouted, "Aldis!"

"I will have your station for disobeying me. You will be dishonorably discharged!"  Marcus stormed away from the rail, his facial coloring reminding Helix of the wine so liberally scattered above.

After a moment of waiting Helix shouted again. "Aldis!"

Grumbling under his breath he turned his attention to binding the woman before she awoke. Looking down at his soiled and bloody white linen tunic, torn black trousers and entirely disheveled matching boots Helix's eyes fell to his waist. Lacking chains or rope he slipped his belt off and bound her hands with it. It was not near secure enough for someone with her strength and talents. Still, it would slow her down some.

Studying the smooth pit walls Helix internally groaned. When he got out and found Aldis he fully intended to thrash him. Fighting in the ranks was prohibited, but right now, Helix did not care. To his relief red haired Festus appeared at the barred door, key in hand.

"Where are the others?" Helix asked as he hoisted the woman across his shoulders with a grunt.

"The damn house guard tried to arrest us."

Had the consul lost his mind? "What? What do you mean? On what charge?"

"He did not say. Aldis was wounded in the scuffle. The others are helping him get back to barracks and fetching the general. Dax and I stayed behind to get you out."

There was something both unsettling and amusing about one woman being the cause of such an uproar. Still, Sal had taught him that one person, and especially a woman could be more dangerous then appearances portrayed. Helix only hoped Ynyr could explain some of what had happened and get Marcus to calm down.

"Let's get out of here."

Nodding, Festus led them into the torchlit passages. As they progressed an overpowering aroma of unwashed body's, ammonia and copper filled the air. Helix's stomach flopped at the stench.

"Damn." He muttered as an exceptionally strong wave of smell induced nausea struck.

"It gets worse." Festus warned.

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