* Once you've hit the ground

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Aloy ran to the cliff to see Kïma but the snow was too thick and she could just see the trail she left behind her, all colored in red. She wanted to go after her so badly but it was too risky and she had to deal with the man. She turned to face him but he was already standing just next to her and grabbed her by the neck to lift her up.
She tried to hit him. He did not even flinch.

He didn't speak but his eyes were telling a thousand words. There was so much anger in them, even if Aloy never met him before.
Eventually, he said, with a voice full of rage:

"Turn your face to the sun, child."

He then squeezed her neck strongly, trying to choke her, but something prevented him from killing her on the spot. Aloy's vision got blurry, black stars dancing in front of her eyes as a violent pain had took possession of her neck, but she could still see Him coming.
Rost was running towards them, his spear in hand, with a furious look on his face.
He hit the man as hard as he could in the back when he was close enough.
Aloy felt her body collapsing in the snow, liberated of all grip. She tried to stand but she fell for the second time in the snow. Between the black dancing stars, she could see Rost fighting ferocely the stranger, who seemed surprised and who had now a dagger in his hand.

Didn't last much longer.
The man took profit of a vulnerable second Rost had after one of his attack and stabbed him with the blade.
Aloy screamed and attempted to stand one more time. Vainly. She shouted his name again, reaching out a hand as if she could touch him. She felt hot things sliding down her cheeks and understood it was tears. She hadn't cried like that in years.
It blurred her vision even more and she could only see Rost as a black form falling in the snow.
She let her head falling down in the snow, her whole body shaking as burning tears were running on her skin.

She clenched her fists, as anger progressively took possession of her. She threw a glance at the man, who was already walking away. She used all the strength she had in her arms to get up, as quietly as she could, and started to walk towards him. She noticed a knife hanging from Bast's belt and took it, holding it tight. She was staring at the man, still walking and started to run to him. Tears were still blurrying her vision but she did not care.

One does not simply hurt Rost, Kïma and all the other ones without any consequences.
The snow was absorbing the noise of her feet as they hit the ground, so she was able to sneak behind the assassin quite fastly.
Once she was close enough, she quickly stole the dagger with which he killed Rost to make sure he wouldn't be able to use it. She then changed the way she was holding her blades and stabbed the man on each side of his back, shouting. Her throat was hurting so much but, once again, she did not care.

Her only goal was to kill him.
He gasped and turned back, using his fists to hit her. She fell back on the snow and struggled to get up again. She finally stood up and noticed her two blades on the snow, meters away. She had to think quickly. She clenched her fists once again.
She felt the kind of glove she made during the previous week and knew she had to use it. Even if she could lost her hand. She only had to kill him. To make him pay.

She ran on him and jumped, aiming for his face as she did with the other man a moment earlier. He used his forearm to deviate her kicks. Each move made him growl and grimace, but he was still holding on. She eventually changed her mind and mimicked Bast's move : She rushed and sticked her body to his, litteraly and lethally hugging him, using the glove on his lower ribs. He screamed ot of pain when the metal touched his skin and when his muscles, already damaged because of the daggers, had to contract.
Aloy was also almost shouting, because of her hand hurting as if she put it in boilling water. But she had not to move and to stay like that until he'd fell on the ground and finally paid for what he did.

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