* Travel to Meridian

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It's been an entire day since they left the Mother's Crown. They stopped only twice, to hunt and sleep a bit. Kïma's leg was apparently doing better, thanks to the Matriarchs' bandages. She could walk normally without any pain but it was still hard for her to run.
They finally took a pause when they arrived in the desert, which they had to cross to go to Meridian.

"Wow, I missed it", Kïma sighed while stretching her arms.

"When was the last time you came here?", Aloy asked, after taking a sip of water.

"Well, it must have been after the Sun King's crowning. Okay I came once again, recently, to see someone, but he wasn't here so I didn't stay in Meridian more than a few hours."

She pointed at a kind of mountain that we could see on the horizon and added:

"This big rock is Meridian. This is where we'll find your man. Also I have some friends to meet there."

"Who are those friends ?", Aloy asked, instantly regretting it, fearing that the collector might think she was jealous.

"Firstly, Avad, then a merchant who sells ancient stuff. It's been a while since I haven't seen him, and I'd like to see his new merch. He is the guy I wanted to see the last time I was in town."

"You're friend with the King ?", Questioned the huntress curiously.

"Yeah of course, but I didn't talk to him since his crowning so I don't know what he thinks about me after this leaf incident. Also, I'm sure he'll appreciate you. We should be going soon, and we'll reach Meridian in the afternoon."

"As you decide.''

Kïma rearranged the metal 'ears' she placed on her Strider and picked some flowers to stuck them between the machine's protection pieces. It was beautiful, in its way.
Aloy looked at her for a minute, enjoying this moment of peace, knowing it wouldn't last, once they would be in Meridian.

"I quite like your new tattoo, on the side of your head", She heard.

Surprised, she almost jumped and, once again, noticed that this voice was hers. She spoke without thinking about it.

That wasn't good.

And, come on, jumping because of your own voice in front of such a warrior... That was lame.
But all those thoughts were wiped away when the collector stopped petting her robot and faced her, a huge smile on her face.

"Oh, you noticed ? Thank you, Aloy."

"Where did you get it ?", Continued Aloy's voice, that she could barely control.

"I got it in two different places. First, in Meridian, for the shape. It wasn't looking very nice, because it was just a empty shape drawn with a black thin line. But I wanted it to be filled in the Banuks lands, they have good colours. That was a long travel just for a tattoo, but it's worth it."

"Yeah, it looks great."

"Maybe I could even get you one if you'd like to", proposed the black haired woman.

"Wow, calm down, beautiful, you always offer me so much ! Next time it's my turn to give you something !", Aloy stopped her quickly, smiling widely. "But I appreciate the gesture."

She saw Kïma blushing a bit, probably embarrassed. A bit of guilt invaded Aloy, but the girl said:

"Did you... did you just call me 'beautiful' or is it my mind making things up?"

"That's not what I meant...", Replied Aloy. "Wait no, that's also not what I meant! Well, I mean, of course you're beautiful, but I don't want you to feel bad about how I called you ! What I'm trying to say is that..."

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