* Excavation site

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"So, do you know where to find that man ?", Kïma asked, once they were out of Bightmarket.

"Erend told me that he is probably in his favourite digging site."

She added, with a smile:

"You know, you don't have to come with me if you don't want to. This isn't your fight, don't feel forced to come."

"Losa wasn't your fight either, and yet you came. And even if you didn't, I would still go with you. To protect you from bandits, of course."

"I was younger, and they caught me by surprise ! How long will you bother me with it ?", Aloy laughed.

"As long as I have to, beautiful."

"Oh no, are you also bringing that back ? Come on, give me some rest !", she laughed even harder.

"Yeah, we'll see about that. So, where is this digging site ?"

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"Are those corruptors nice guys? And all these people, tell me they are on our side.", Kïma said ironically, recognizing their outfit. It was these men again, the ones who attacked the Proving and captured Losa.

"We both know how it's going to end. Are you ready ? We have to be stealthy on that one."

"I'm always ready. Are you ?"

"As usual. Is there a way for you to override one of the machines tied up here to help us ?"

"I'm afraid the Corruptors are going to hack them back as soon as the chains break... I think we're on our own, this time."

"Fine, nevermind. Remember, we mustn't kill Olin. It could be good if we managed to catch one of them alive as well, to get some infos about APHRODITE.", Aloy said, while examining the excavation site with her focus.

"Not wrong. I guess we should first try to focus on the corruptors, if we want to keep Olin and another man alive. Otherwise we would have to watch them while killing two corruptors.", Explained the machine tamer, as she was crafting some arrows.

"Good point. But it won't be stealthy."

"Who cares, in the end ? If you really want a strategy, we should first get rid of the corruptors, and especially their overriding component. It shouldn't be hard with those arrows."

"What are those ? Is this an echo shell ?", Aloy asked, looking down at the wooden pieces.

"Those are called 'tearblast arrows', and yes, this is an echo shell. I'll teach you how to craft them but it basically removes components from the machines because of an energy explosion, with air and stuff. Here, have some."

"So we just have to shoot it to them?", Aloy questioned curiously.

"Yeah, under them if possible, this is where the damages are going to be maximum for the component we're interested in. We should also split up. Like, I take the one on the right and you take the other. It'll be much faster."

"I agree. See you in a few, then.", decreeded the Redhead.

"Oh, and try to stay alive, please.", Kïma said. Aloy couldn't understand if she was trying to be funny or not.

"As you wish, Lady Kïma."

She had the time to see her eyes opening widely, with a small smirk on her lips before she turned to the machine she had to take down. She took an arrow and aimed at the robot, right between its legs, just like Kïma said. The top of the arrow burst into a wave of energy, leaving the robot unsteady for a second, with a lot of metal pieces flying around it. A similar explosion occurred on the right one.
She instantly hid behind a rock, aware that the enemies were going to come and investigate in her area, which would allow her to defeat a few of them. She used the Ancient device on the side of her head to see them through the rock. Two men were walking towards her, apparently worried. She eventually saw Olin as well, arguing with another man. She couldn't hear what they were saying, though.

Finally, the first man reached her. She neutralized him with one shot, and immediately jumped onto the second one.
He unfortunately had a second to scream. Aloy, after killing him, hid in the tall grass, strongly wishing that the rest of the group didn't hear him. Her focus showed her that every person here was looking at the grass she was in. Even the corruptors were alarmed.

As a few men were coming, another explosion, with fire this time, happened at the back of the excavation site, right next to the other Corruptor.
It alarmed pretty much everyone, instantly turning to see what it was.
Aloy gasped as she saw Kïma standing above everyone, on a kind of scaffolding, shooting arrows basically everywhere down below.
Aloy didn't know how to react when she understood she was creating a diversion to protect her. Was she supposed to be happy ? Angry ? Worried ?

She had no clue and decided to think about it later. She took her bow and shot the first arrow at a man, who fell on the ground as nobody was watching, thanks to Kïma's show. She managed to kill at least four enemies that way, before noticing the situation becoming problematic around her collector.

Many enemies were gathering around her, and even if she was handling her own, they were getting more dangerous. Aloy immediately jumped out of the vegetation and joined the fight.
She saw Olin right next to Kïma, fighting with her against those men.

What in All-Mother's name was going on ?

Nevermind, she had to focus on the battle. As she was using her spear against a man, she had to cover her ears because of that horrible noise, the same as a few hours ago in the cabin. She looked to Kïma and saw her, standing weakly, her hands over her ears and looking furiously at a man, moving forward, holding a big sound gun, making those awful waves of noise. She prepared another tearblast arrow to make him drop his weapon.

A second later, she released her arrow as she was falling on the ground, covering her ears once again, the evil sound echoing in her head. She had to use all of her will to open an eye, to see a second man walking towards her, with the same gun as the other one. Her arrow was lying a few meters away on the dirt.

Aloy, frustrated, let a loud growl out, covered with the sound. She almost heard the men laughing, increasing her anger.
She couldn't stop thinking about Kïma. Were they going to hurt her ? 
Only five men and two corruptors were remaining. She gritted her teeth in frustration, trying to chase the awful noise away.

Just as fast as it started, the sound vanished, leaving Aloy completely confused. She tried to catch her breath before looking at the man. He was lying in the mud, with three Nora arrows in his chest.

Was it Kïma's doing ?

Aloy got a few seconds to see the other man falling, also defeated by Nora arrows, as the collector was watching him, just as stunned. The last men also fell, only leaving the Corruptors.

"Was that you?", Aloy asked, knowing the answer perfectly.

"No, I thought it was you?", Replied the machine tamer, shooting at the machines without losing any time.

"Climb that ladder, Outcast ! You'll have a better sight and you'll be more protected !", Shouted someone.

Astonished, both women turned to see who said that.

All I can say is that they weren't expecting him to be here.

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