Logical consequences

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The door leading to the hall finally opened.

Aloy and Kïma ran towards Bast while examinating the main door, to see if some ennemies had come back. Kïma checked Omega's bed to see if she was still asleep.
Nothing seemed wrong.

But then they heard Bast :

"Guys, you should... Erm... Come over here..."

His voice was extremely low, and he sounded panicked.
The two girls looked in his direction and stood quiet for a second :
He was holding the woman, lying in his arms, shaking heavily. Her face expressed nothing but pain.

"What did you do to her ?", Kïma instantly asked menacingly, stepping forward.

"Nothing ! She woke up and started screaming, and she... Speaks our language... She told me that her muscles were hurting and that she couldn't move. I gave her some medicinal herbs to stop the pain, but it's not working well..."

"You did good. Let me see."

Aloy was amazed by Kïma's reaction. She seemed so calm even after what she just learnt, she was still able to take care of other people.
Without waiting another second, Aloy decided to check the kid's health as Kïma and Bast were examinating the woman.
Using her focus, she could see that the kid was in perfect condition. She was amazed to see that his body wasn't hurt, not even a bit. He was breathing normally and he had even stabilized his internal temperature. His skin wasn't cold either.

It almost seemed odd.

But she remembered the injection she gave him and concluded that the nanotechnology was helping him not to die.

Seeing that she couldn't do anything to help him, she turned towards the woman.
She jumped out of horror : her focus showed her that almost every muscle and blood vessel of the woman was damaged. Now that the blood was circulating (or at least trying to), she could see the internals injuries that were invisible when the blood wasn't moving. The focus indicated to her "Internal membranes damaged : Structural lipids damaged."

How was it even possible that she was still alive ?

"She needs nanotechnology. Quickly.", Kïma declared, confirming what Aloy concluded. The collector jumped on her feet and ran in the hall, trying to find a stock of healing product.

"Where... Am I ?", Asked the woman weakly.

As she was sweating heavily, Bast was wiping her face and neck regularly. He even let his arm between her hands, so she could clench her fingers around his wrist if the pain was too much to bare. And it was.
Her fingernails were digging into his skin but he didn't seem to pay attention to it. He was trying to help in his own way.

"You erm... you are where you've been frozen...", Aloy replied, not knowing what to answer to this question exactly.

"What... Year is it ? Has...", After a kind of growl and a long breathing, she asked fastly but extremely lowly "Has the... program worked ?"

"The program ? You mean... Zero Dawn ?", Aloy repeated.

She was trying to have informations and to keep the woman awake by occupying her.
She nodded and grimaced after doing so. Her hands also squeezed strongly Bast's arm. He didn't even react.

"I don't know exactly which year but..  centuries after your area. I guess it worked, even if we don't know how it was supposed to. There are thousands of people living on this land. Machines are still here but we learnt how to hunt most of them and how to protect ourselves from them.", Answered the red haired huntress softly.

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