* Ancient Stuff Ahead

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"But I...I don't get it.", Aloy admitted. "Why bringing us here?"

"In the Sacred Mountain? It was the safest place we could think of, and I thought you'd like to be close to your mother. And for Kïma, well we found her unconscious next to you, injured pretty badly, holding your hand, so we didn't have the heart to take you and not her. Imagine Lansra's reaction, though !" , Teersa replied with a chuckle.

Aloy had stopped when the Matriarch spoke of her mother, and whispered, shocked:

"My mother's here?"

"Yes, and I'm sure she'll be very pleased to see you."

Aloy stayed mute but she couldn't think properly. Her brain was already overthinking about it. She was already picturing herself meeting the hologram woman with short hair and weird clothes. If only Rost was here too...
She asked about him, wanting to know if he would have decent funerals.
Kïma looked at her with big eyes and asked slowly:

"Is it that Rost you told me about, when we first met?"'

Aloy smiled sadly at her.

"Yes, this is him. He gave his life to save me from that man and from the explosion. I wouldn't be here without him.", She replied.

"I'm so sorry Aloy. I wish I could've met him. He seemed to be a really good person."

"He was.", Aloy answered simply.

After a short silence, Teersa answered Aloy's question:

"Of course he'll have decent funerals. Braves are already working on it. He will be buried next to the house he raised you in."

"Thank you."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

They finally reached the end of the room. There was a huge triangle and metallic door in the wall, in perfect condition. Kïma already saw doors like that, in cauldrons. She was never able to open them, the doors talking about an 'Identiscan'. The DNA doors looked a bit like it too, except their patterns were horizontal, and didn't follow the triangle's shape. She kept it for herself, curious of what was about to happen.

"Is my mother behind the door?", Aloy asked to Teersa.

"No, Aloy. This is your mother! Don't you understand ? The Mountain is your mother!", Replied the Matriarch.

Aloy stayed mute again, with an unreadable expression.

"This doesn't make any sense.", She finally declared. "What...what do you even mean?"

"This is where we found you, as a baby. You were sitting in front of the door, crying. The Mountain is your mother!", Teersa repeated, raising both of her hands.

The collector took her arm away from Aloy's neck as she started to walk towards the door.
A light immediately illuminated the Ancient portal, as a robotic voice decreeded :

"Hold for identiscan."

Teersa gasped and knelt down.

"The door recognized you! The goddess spoke to you through it !"

Kïma looked at the old woman, with a flat face. This wasn't a goddess, this was a door, as all the others across the land. Why was she reacting like that? That was apparently Aloy's reaction as well.

"Recognition failed. Entrance denied.", Added the door after it scanned Aloy with its light.

"No...no, no, no, no!!" Shouted the red haired woman, hitting the door with her wrists.

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