Weird hairy quadruped

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This hologram seemed to be the other meeting they spoke about. Twenty new people had appeared. Elizabeth was already explaining the details of the operation and had already formed several groups, each of them standing behind their Alphas.

Apparently, from what she said, the group of Patrick Brochard-Klein would work on "genetics", and would collaborate with the group of Riku Minami, in order to find the best freezing device for people and embryos. Camilla Fedorova had her own team brought in, to keep working on a way to reduce the toxicity of the atmosphere. Even though the blonde woman was aware that it was almost impossible to achieve her goal fast enough to prevent the atmosphere to become deadly, she was hoping to find a way to detoxify it for the next generations. Samina Ebadji and Mirabe Naoed Melku, as they already discovered in previous data points, would have to teach someone, or something, how to feel and how to think :

"Samina Ebadji, as well as the people working with her, will be in charge of teaching GAIA emotions, and will have to explain her what 's her goal and what is the best way to achieve it, but also to teach her how to be independent and take her own decisions. You will also work with the other artificial intelligences such as APOLLO, HADES, HEPHAESTUS, APHRODITE... To do the same with them."

She kept on talking about how some machines would be created by GAIA to help the detoxifying of the atmosphere, and how their knowledge would be saved thanks to APOLLO. 

"I will personally go to another lab, in the south of Salt Lake City, to help the creation of the different AIs, with Ted Faro's help."

Her declaration was welcomed by a wave of discomfort, that she stopped, by raising a hand :

"I know he made unforgivable mistakes, but he is truly trying to help, now. And he is probably one of the most qualified persons when it comes to creating artificial intelligences. I just ask you to, please, follow your assigned tasks, even the smallest. Together, we can give life a future."

And the hologram stopped playing, after everybody in the meeting had left with their Alpha.

"HADES... That is the demon that Omega and this damn cult worshiped.", Kïma declared.

"So it's an AI as well ?"

"I think so. And I'm willing to bet it has something to do with the corruption they use on machines."

"Artificial intelligences ? Do they mean... machines ?", Bast asked. 

"No, they mean like Mama. Like APHRODITE and like GAIA, apparently."

"What ?"

Kïma froze.

"Oh, shit, we never told you what we found in that bunker, when you were staying with the woman..."

Aloy was still thinking about what Elizabeth said : machines weren't supposed to be dangerous... The glitch was responsible for all of this. Maybe there was a way to fix that glitch and make the machines harmless and helpful again... Was there even a way to talk to this GAIA ? Maybe, like APHRODITE, she was waiting for them somewhere... 

Was HADES responsible for the Glitch ? But why would he do that ? And why would the cult worship an intelligence wanting to kill everything ? 

"I will search the area a little more while you two are talking.", she declared, noticing that Kïma started to tell Bast everything. 

She moved a few steps away, while Bast was making weird astonishment noises after hearing what Kïma was telling him. 

She looked at all the metallic shelves nearby, broken or not. She was also using her focus to notice any other data points, but it didn't show anything. There wasn't any other hologram, here or anywhere else around her.

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