Let's try to be strategic

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The location Aloy recorded on her focus was in the North of Meridian. It was, now that they could see it, quite small, but it was surrounded with ruins and, most important, three Thunderjaws, just like the man said in the data point. Except they were corrupted (otherwise it could have been too easy).

"Man, that's going to be something!", Whispered Kïma, as they were crouching nearby to observe the machines.

"We need to find a subtle way to get in and try to see if Losa's still in there", started Aloy. "Is there a way for you to override one of these machines?"

"Nah, when they are red like that I can't do anything. We could make a diversion so one of us can sneak in?'

Aloy didn't want to admit it but she felt worried about this idea. Not for her, of course, but for Kïma. She didn't want to leave her alone, who knew what the hell could happen?

"I...I think we can find something more...strategic. We should go together, there are a lot of enemies in that building.", She replied, using her focus.
She was unfortunately too far to count them.

"So, what do you think we should do?"

"I'm not saying we should fight those Thunderjaws, that would be too risky and we would be spotted in less than a few seconds. But we can maybe bring another machine to fight them, for a diversion. People in it may come out to see what's going on."

"Sounds good. What about a Stormbird ?"

"You'll have to override it, I won't be able to touch it with my spear if it's flying."

"No problem. I think I know where to find one. You stay here to watch the cabin or you want to come with me ?"

"I'm coming."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Okay, I'm going to send him distract the Thunderjaws on that side. While they're fighting, we'll have to climb to that hole in the wall. Let's try to be quiet. Any questions or problems?", Kïma explained, moving her hands towards the small building.

"No, everything is understood. On your signal."

Kïma touched her focus and pointed two fingers at the opposite side of the building. An impressive wind accompanied the Stormbird as it flew in that direction, and started shooting at the three robots, which instantly followed it.
They didn't wait longer and immediately rushed towards the cabin to jump on the broken part of the wall. Kïma used her focus to know how many people were in there, and if Losa was also here.

"They are 8. There are also three prisoners. And...bodies. Two bodies in that corner."

She progressively saw Kïma's face darkening and started to worry for the 'stealth part' of the plan. She said fastly, to calm her down :

"This is not Losa, Kïma. He is probably one of the prisoners, we have to go and find out. Don't make quick conclusions!"

"I swear, if they've hurt him I'll kill them all.", She simply answered, as she jumped on the ground, apparently not caring at all about the plan.

Aloy rolled her eyes. She was going to get them killed !
Her focus showed her two persons getting out of the building, probably to check the fight that was going on outside.

"Kïma come back here ! We have to make a strategy!"

She didn't even answer. She just grabbed her spear and kept walking slowly. She went in the prisoners room firstly, looking determinated.
There were enemies in that room. Like, 5 of them.
Aloy sighed and jumped, landing on the ground more quietly. She took her bow, thinking that the collector would probably handle herself with the spear. A second later, she heard a relieved Kïma exclaiming :

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