Unknown persons wandering in the snow

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He was walking, a strong and cold wind drying his eyes.
He was grimacing, as he was holding his belly.

Damn, it hurt.

The girl was helping him to walk, holding his back, apparently not caring about the blood staining her clothes. She said softly :

"Come on, you have to reach the village. The story will be so much better if you make it out alive."

He chuckled painfully, but answered :

"You authors are really weird, you know that ? How...how are you even keeping me alive right now ?"

The girl glanced at the person reading this and whispered to him :

"Well, sometimes, you have to forget the rules of life and death for your fanfiction, and it's okay to do so. Some readers find it stupid, they want realistic fanfictions, but how can the author do their job if they had to respect every rules ? It's way funnier to just write whatever you want to."

"So you can do everything you want to do here, can't you ?", He asked, to keep talking and to stay awake.

"Kind of, but I have to put limits for myself. Otherwise the story would end right now and it wouldn't be funny."

"Can you tell me how the story ends ?"

She sighed, but said :

"Well, all I can tell you is that you grow a beard."

He chuckled again, but it only hurt him. He had to stop for a while, to calm his breath.

They continued walking a bit, the boy leaning against the author, not to fall on the ground. He was looking at the ground absentmindedly when he noticed a red stain, partially covered with snow.

"What's this ?", He asked.

"This is where Aloy and Kïma fell. You should... I don't know... Search around there a bit."

"Why ?"

She didn't answer but he understood : there was a focus, also covered with snow, a few steps away.

"You should take it. I'll tell you how to use it this time.", Said the girl.

He smiled weakly, remember his failed attempt of sneaking into a focus' files. He took the device and placed it in his pocket, not wanting to use it right now.

For later..., he thought, starting to walk again.

"I have to go, now.", Said the author awkwardly. "I have other stories to take care of. Don't mess up your chance, alright ?"

He glanced at her, nodding his head slowly. He knew she couldn't stay here forever.

He smiled at her as she was walking away, finishing this chapter.

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