Stuck Blanket

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"Can we please get going, kids ?", Kïma asked, from behind the corner.

Bast had stuck the blanket between two metal pieces of the wall and was trying to take it back. But he didn't dare to pull it too much, to avoid tearing it.

"Help me, redhead, don't stay like that without doing anything ! She'll kill me!", He was whispering.

"Oh, could you imagine how sweet that would be...", Aloy sighed, walking towards him.

She planted her spear between the pieces and used it as a lever. He was finally able to fully take it away from the wall and to rub the fabric a bit, to clean it, after checking it to see if it was damaged.

And he walked away, towards Kïma.

"Are you sure you're not forgetting anything, icecube ?"

He half turned to her and a weird noise, almost sounding like a 'thanks', fell from his lips. Aloy smiled a bit and followed him.

"So, we are heading for the Grave-Hoard, aren't we?", He asked to the black haired woman.

''Aye. But we have to go back to Meridian first.. We might need to pack some more food."

"But the Grave-Hoard isn't that far ?"

"It's in the north of the Nora lands. It's quite far, as a matter of fact. We have to get more food. And some rest as well. It's been... Like two days I haven't slept properly ? I know a place where we could get this rest.", Kïma answered, climbing on her Broadhead.

Bast was struggling to get on his mount and to hold the blanket at the same time, and fell twice in the snow, cussing.

"Do you enjoy crawling in the snow, icecube ?", Aloy joked with a grin.

"Shut up, redhead ! Instead of mocking me, why don't you offer your help ? You know, as a real Nora would've done ?", He replied angrily.

"I honestly don't recall any Nora offering their help when I beat the crap out of you in that circle..."

"You maybe want to fight again ? I swear I won't hold my kicks this time !"

"As if you were actually holding your kicks..."

"Are you finished ? Damn... Come on, Bast, once you get on that machine, you walk one my left and Aloy goes on my right. No negotiations allowed. Let's go.", Kïma ordonned, sounding truly annoyed.

With a pouty face, Bast finally succeeded to get up his mount and placed himself on the collector's left side, while Aloy went to her right one.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Meridian was in sight the next evening. They tried to sleep on their Broadheads but had to stop for two hours to get some decent rest. They finally reached it a few hours later, and had to leave their machines at the doors of the city.

They headed straight for the palace, to tell Avad what they found and ask him how Losa was. Kïma said she wanted to go see him but she also didn't want to disturb him if he was recovering.
She was talking about a 'very efficient way to get some rest' and, everytime she did, Aloy and Bast would glance at eachother, intrigued, wondering what she was talking about. She answered with a 'oh, you'll love it'.
Though she found it really weird, Aloy didn't say anything and just smiled awkwardly.

"Looks like you have even more questions, now...", Noticed the Sun King, sighing.

"Yeah, but we know where to go. And, since it's a pretty long way to go there, we uh... We are going to have to borrow some food again...", Kïma said, scratching the back of her head.

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