Dinner Plates

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"So... Do you have a real mother ?", asked Quatu.

"Probably. But she probably died many years ago, if you want my opinion."

Kïma had explained everything to them on their way, just like Bast promised. The Trailblazer did not appear overly surprised and just nodded quietly, listening to what she had to say. When she confronted them about it, they replied :

"I always knew you were different but did not know why, I'm happy to finally find out what it is."

"We're approaching the Eggs... Banukai's Tears, I can smell it.", Bast interrupted them.

"Alright, we just have to find the entrance now... I mean, I've been here for a long time and I never saw anything looking like a door..."

Quatu asked if they could use their focuses to detect anything. 

"No, I found a hologram once that said some cradle doors didn't emit any kind of signals to avoid unwanted visitors such as the Faro Swarm machines."

They left their mounts behind some bushes and walked to the Rainbow Puddles™. They marked the few Tramplers with their focuses, to make sure they would not be attacked by surprise. Bast was doing a full 360° to make sure he did not miss any when he noticed a particular robot  coming towards them. He was going to notify them about it when Kïma touched his shoulder, pointing at her ear.

"Hear that ?"

Quatu stopped talking and their eyes became as wide as dinner plates. Focusing, Bast indeed heard some repeating deep noise, that he only heard once in his life before. A Scorcher.

"It's too close for us to run away... It is going to arrive where our Broadheads are waiting, it doesn't matter if I call them back or not, they will be noticed either way.", she said quickly, examining their surroundings to find a way out of there.

"And if it sees the Broadheads, it'll look for us...", Bast understood. 

They were starting to run out of options when Quatu crouched and took a massive amount of traps and sling bombs out of their purse. Kïma immediately helped them to place the traps. Bast took every freezing bombs he had in his bag and placed them next to theirs.

"We need a big explosion, to tear its mine launchers down... Do any of you have Echo Shells ?", Quatu said, already taking a few out of their own bag.

Kïma put five other Echo Shells next to their explosion nest and started to craft another trap, looking above her shoulder to see where was the beast. It had spotted their mounts and engaged a fight. The two Broadhead would not last long... They only had a short minute left.

"Tripcaster ? Anyone ?", she questioned.

Bast shook his head and grabbed another explosive trap. 

"I only have my ropecaster and my bow."

"Good, craft ammo for your ropecaster, we'll need it to hold the beast away from us if we are forced to fight from a short distance."

"Bast is going to be the one using it.", decided the Banuk, giving him the weapon. "Don't argue, we don't have time. You're still recovering from your wound. Climb that rock and use this weapon if things go bad, please."

"We're going to join you as soon as we're done with the explosion nest.", Kïma added.

The Nora would have loved to protest but he realized it was the only option he had, as he could not run as fast as them. He took the ropecaster and went to the rock. From the top, he could see the colorful lakes and the Tramplers in the distance. It was almost peaceful.
He used his focus to see the shape of the Scorcher behind the trees and was horrified to see it had already took down the Broadheads. He immediately shouted :

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