As fast as an angry Longleg

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"See anything ?", Aloy asked to Damarko. 

They had found the door of the prime completely open, maybe even broken. They knew they probably wouldn't be the only people in the complex. Carefully, they had stepped in and searched every room, every shelf, every desk, without finding anything or anyone.
They were starting to lose hope.

"No, there's nothing, we've been here twice already... Are you sure that GAIA said it was here ?"

"Yes, I am. Maybe someone took it...", she thought out loud, already imagining someone wanting to sell it in Meridian's market of Ancient artefacts. 

"We should just... Wait. What's that ?"

Aloy could see the Nora male holding pieces of machines but she was too far away to see the details.

"Let me see it ?"

"Maybe you know where this is from but I honestly have no idea.", admitted the man.

There were two pointy pieces, painted in yellow. The huntress had a feeling of déjà vu but could not understand why. She then tried to look for some cauldron symbol. When she eventually found it, she faced Damarko.

"You're terribly pale ! Are you alright ?"

"We have to go back and tell Kïma about it. I might know where these pieces are from, but I'm not entirely sure..."

"What's wrong ?"

The huntress opened her mouth to answer but her words were stopped by an other voice :

"Kïma ?"

Both Noras jumped and try to see where the voice came from.

"You talked about Kïma ?"

A man appeared, in a corner of the room. He had a massive hat made with extremely long blue feathers, as well as a few blue wires buried in his skin. He seemed intrigued :

"Who are you ?"

"We could ask you the same thing, man.", Damarko replied, shrugging.

Aloy clenched her fingers around her spear when she noticed the man hiding a sort of dagger behind his wrist.

"I'm just a lost Banuk. You know Kïma ?"

"Why do you want to know ?"

He seemed annoyed and hissed, slightly less friendly :

"Do you know her ? I have... Something to tell her. Something she might be interesting in uh... collecting, if she's still into that."

"You mean the Master Override, right ? What is this knife for ?"

When Damarko lowered his eyes and noticed the shiny blade, a small "Shit." fell out of his lips and he grabbed his sling without waiting another second.

"Listen, dickheads, I don't have time to waste in these green lands, you should just answer and I'll go away."

Seeing that they remained silent and that the dark skinned man started to stretch his sling, the Banuk sighed and started to run straight towards them. The obstacles didn't even seem to bother him, he just rolled above them, as fast as an angry Longleg.
Damarko released one projectile that hit a pile of rocks next to the man. In response, he changed his trajectory and ran in zigzags, avoiding everything the Nora would shoot at him. 
Aloy would've gladly used her bow but she had understood that it was completely useless. Instead, she examined the room and noticed the collapsing roof. 
In a second, she had a plan. She waited until Damarko prepared another explosive projectile before moving his arm with a soft elbow kick, sending the bomb directly to the ceiling.

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