Chapter XXVII

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"Are you okay? Do you feel sick?" Kenneth asks for the millionth time today.

"Yes babe." I answer.

"I would have felt better if you had stayed home, I don't want you or the baby to get hurt." Kenneth replies.

"Dr. Hanley said it was alright for me to travel, I am only three months pregnant." I defend.

"Yes but—"

I do not know what took over me but I felt angry and sad at the same time.

"I know what it is. You wanted me to stay home so you could be here alone and flirt with girls." I stay as my tears begin to get glossy.

Damn pregnancy hormones.

Kenneth cups my face and his hands and shakes his head.

"No, of course not. You are the only girl for me, the only woman I will ever want." Kenneth states. "I just wanted you to be safe, I do not want anything happening to you or our baby. You two are the most important things in my life."

He connects our lips into a soft assuring kiss.

"I'm sorry," I state. "These hormones have my feelings bundled up in a messy knot."

Kenneth chuckles as he pulls my head to rest on his chest.

"I love you Aurora, only you and our baby and future children of course. You are way to important to me and I'll never risk losing you." Kenneth states as he runs his hand through my blonde locks.

"I love you, too hubby." I reply with a smile.

"Mister and misses Hathaway, we have arrived." The attendant informs motioning to the open airplane door.

We nod and stand up from our seats. We head out the door and climb down the stairs. Geraldo stood there awaiting for us at the SUV door. He opens the door for us and we climb inside the car.

"How was your trip here?" Geraldo asks.

"It was great! The view of the ocean was beautiful." I reply.

Kenneth's phone vibrates and he looks down to see who it was.

"I have a meeting I have to attend. Would like to accompany me?" Kenneth asks and I shake my head.

"I want to go buy some souvenirs." I answer.

"Alright, but Geraldo and Oliver will go with you." Kenneth states and I nod.

Although, it has been about a month since we last heard of Cyathia, Kenneth still did not trust leaving me alone.

"Have you heard anything from Sean?" I ask and Kenneth shakes his head.

"Every time they are close to catching her she disappears. Dante has not had much luck either." Kenneth explains. "But let's not worry about her right now. You enjoy yourself and relax, okay?" He says and I nod once more.

I stare out the door as we drive past palm trees, colorful streets and different street stands.

"One of the investors is holding a party tonight, do you want to go?" Kenneth asks and I nod.

"Talking about parties, Tatiana called yesterday and said she reserved the reception we chose." I inform with a happy smile.

"Really? That's great!" Kenneth replies. "In one more month we'll find the gender of our baby and renew our vows to each other."

"I can't wait." I reply and Kenneth nods in agreement.

"I asked Quinn if he could be my best man and he said yeah." Kenneth informs and I smile.

Loving You (Sequel to Loveless Marriage)Where stories live. Discover now