Chapter IV

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"Those DNA tests will prove that she is your daughter," Brenda states for the millionth time today.

After hearing Brenda spilt to the media Kenneth was supposedly a father we had to cut our trip short and return earlier. We were seated outside Dr. Hanley's office waiting to take the DNA test. Kenneth's knee kept bouncing up and down as he tried his best not to kill the woman in front of us.

"If you are so certain she is his daughter then why did you go crying to the media, telling them lies about Kenneth that caused many problems for him." I ask getting irritated with Brenda.

"I needed to make sure he would be here today," Brenda answers and Kenneth wraps his arm around me before I do something I would regret.

"Kenneth's reputation is stained because of you and your stupid lies!" I exclaim.

"They are not lies!" She yells back. "You just don't want to deal with the fact that your husband slept with another woman and had a kid with her. You can't deal with the fact that he has a child that is not yours!"

Kenneth let's go of me and walks over to Brenda. "Do not talk to my wife like that. Especially when you are the one using your kid to get money." Kenneth grabs my hand and walk into the laboratory just as Dr. Hanley calls us.

"Good morning mister Hathaway," she greets. "Misses Hathaway." She greets with a smile.

I return the smile acknowledging her.

"Doctor Hanley can we please make this quick?" Kenneth asks and the redhead nods.

She inserts a needle into Kenneth and withdraws to tubes of blood. She then proceeds to scrapping his cheek and placing the sample into a plastic bag. Brenda places Marissa onto the chair and the doctor does the same procedure on her.

"The results will be back in an hour," the doctor informs. "Would you like to wait or would you like for me to send you an email with results?" She asks.

"We will wait," Kenneth replies. She nods before walking off back to her office.

Marissa walks over to playpen and I give the little girl a sympathetic smile. It was not fair to her how her mother was using her.

My phone buzzes and I pick it up without checking the caller ID. "Hello," I answer. 

"Honey! Thank god you answered!" My mom states.

"Where the hell is Kenneth!? I am going to kill him for hurting my daughter!" I hear my dad exclaim in the background. I roll my eyes at their hypocorism.

I stand up and walk towards an empty hall. "Dad, mom calm down. Kenneth did not hurt me and that child is not his. We are currently at doctor Hanley's office awaiting the DNA results that will prove that." I explain.

"Where the hell is that woman that lied to you guys! I am going to kill her for hurting my daughter and son-in-law!" My dad explains and I can't help but roll my eyes and let an amused smile display on my face.

I end the call not waiting for any response from my parents. I walk back to the waiting room and sit next to Kenneth. I rest my head on his shoulder and he responds by wrapping his arms around me bringing me closer to him.

"I wonder when people will stop trying to destroy our lives," I state as I draw circles on his palm.

He kisses the top of my head. "No matter what they do they will not be able to tear us apart." He says as he interlocks our hands and gives mine an assuring squeeze. "Our love is too strong for them to break."

His words cause me to smile and I lean up to kiss his cheek. "I love you." I whisper before laying my head back on his shoulder.

His familiar scent and warmth causes the cage of butterflies to burst open. "I love you, too." He answers.

Loving You (Sequel to Loveless Marriage)Where stories live. Discover now