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As mentioned in the description this book involves triggering and mature subjects such as:

Sexual harassment
Deaths of loved ones

I do not promote in any way self-harming or suicide.
And if you are going through such state communicate with your national help centre, your parents, someone you trust or even me if you'd like.

Also in this book there will be:

Bad habits (such as smoking)
Mentions of raping



Current status: Completed

Started: 23/4/2018
Ended: 31/5/2018
Published: 2/6/2018
Finished publishing: 14/8/2018

I made this for all my readers/fans that like angst and dark themed books just like myself.

This book is an AU  (alternative universe) which means that none of this is true.
This book is made for entertainment purposes only.
All characters are fictional with the exceptions of BTS.
Any events that may occur are all made up.

This book is not a ship book so any comments with this content will be deleted and/or blocked.
Also offending comments will be deleted and/or blocked as well.
The commenters of the above content will be notified of their actions up to two times.
After that they will be blocked and/or reported.

And just to make everything clear, I do not have any problem with gay people or LGBTQ in general.
But this is not a ship book so no ship comments.
If you want to comment on that content to read a ship book.

And lastly I am not romanticizing depression or suicide in any way.
This is just messed up!


Now you may enjoy❤

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