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It's been a few days and the girl never heard what Hoseok told her that night.
She thought that this feeling would stay forever.

But she couldn't be any more wrong.

She was currently getting ready go out with Hoseok.
They were planning to watch a movie and go to a park afterwards.

When suddenly her phone rung.

She picked it up from the nightstand and looked at the caller ID only to see her sister's name popping up.

She was clearly surprised that her older sister was calling her after what happened.
She quickly picked up the call.



Said a familiar male voice.

"Oh... It's you again.... what the hell do you want and where is my sister?"

"I'm calling you because 'your sister' is at the hospital."

"What the fuck?! What the hell happened?!"

She said as she felt her heart beating faster at the thought.

"She tripped on some stairs or something and passed out cause she hit her head. The doctors said she might lose the baby."


Worry overtook her thoughts even though she knew that her sister didn't want to be her sister anymore.

She knew that her so loved unnie hated her.

"Which hospital is she in?!"

"I'll come get you alright? Ill be there in 5 minutes!"

Said her sister's husband and they hung up.

She stared blankly into space for a minute or two with phone still in hand.

She looked down at her phone and dialled Hoseok's number.

After a few bips he answered.

"Hellooo!!" He said cheerfully making her feel bad.

"Hello Hoseok I... I wanted to tell you that I just received a call saying that.."

she took a deep breath trying to control the tears that were about to fall.

"Saying that my sister is in hospital so I'm sorry but I won't be able to hang out with you today..."

".... OH MY GOD! Is she Okay? Do you need me to take you wherever she is? What happened? Are you Okay?"

"I.... don't know... her husband will take me there but than you so much Hoseok I'mso sorry..."

"Its okay don't worry about me! Call me after you're done!"

"Okay... bye.."

With that she hung up and wiped some tears that slipped.
She put her phone into her pocket and tried to make herself look calm.
And them she heard a horn from outside.

She quickly grabbed her keys and ran outside to see her sister's husband inside his car waiting.

She ran in and they went off into unknown.


After a while of driving she realised she didn't know where they were going.

And it seemed like they were getting out of town.

"Wait... do you think we took the right turn there? I think we got lost..." she said as she gripped the seatbelt strongly.

"Oh no. We're not lost. Not at all." He seemed  fairly calm which kinda scared her.

"B-but there's a forest right in front of us... where the hell are you taking me?"

"You're so noisy! Can you just shut up!?" He yelled looking at her.

He stopped the car harshly as he turned to the back seat and took tape.

She looked at him with a horrified expression.

He neared her and tried to tie her wrist together.
She wiggled around and tried to hit him multiple times but with no use.

"No!' She screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Let me go!"

Her screams were soon muffled by his lips on hers.

He bit on her lip and kissed her harshly make her lips bleed.

He tried to attempt and slide his tongue into her mouth but she bit on it pretty hard I may add.

He looked furious.

"You little bitch! I won't show any mercy now!" He said as he slapped her.

He got out of the car and dragged her out as well.

She was still trying to get out of his grasp but won't no use once again.

And when she saw a small house in this deserted area she knew that it was going to be a long night.

Making more tears fall freely.

Euphoria || j.hs [Watty's 2018] Where stories live. Discover now