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As days passed the emptiness in her heart grew.

Her days became more and more dull.

The six guys visited her every single day and tried to fill that emptiness.

They did everything she wanted and everything she loved.

They invited her to their house countless times and let her slept over.

They did everything possible to make her happy again.

But the only thing they got in return was faint smiles which most of them were fake and whispered "thank you"s.

It broke their heart.

They would always find her in front of Hoseok's grave crying silently and repeating the same words.

"I'm sorry I failed you. I love you."

Every single day.

And more than 2 months have passed.

It is hard for them but they're starting to move on from his death.

For her and their sake.

And because Hoseok is gone and he won't come back.

They need to let go and let him rest in peace.

Besides that's what he wanted.

To rest in peace and everyone to be happy.

Today was another day that was going to pass the same way.

They would wake up sit around until 3pm and then she would come to their house to eat together.

But no. Today was different.

"Hyung I can't find her!" Taehyung started panicking as they couldn't find the girl anywhere.

Namjoon looked up from his book to see the maknae line in front of him.

He sighed and looked back at the book.

"She must be at his grave again."

He didn't dare to utter his name.

No one did.

"She needs her time alone. He meant a lot to her. Maybe too much."

"She is not there though!" Jungkook said.

Namjoon froze for a moment thinking all the possible places and scenarios.

"Did you look at her appartemnet?" He said as he stood up quickly.

"Yes. And she had left a small sticky note saying she'd be somewhere really important to her and Hoseok." Jimin gave the note to Namjoon.

He thought for a little.

Voicing his thoughts in the process.

"If his grave is the last place where they met it's really important to her and she isn't there then maybe the place that they first met is the place where is located." He said.

"That's genius hyung!" Exclaimed Jungkook.

'Then does that mean she is at the hospital? I'm pretty sure the place where they met was that hospital room." Jimin said confused.

"No you're wrong. Think! They tried to jump of a cliff to end their lives. That's the place where they met for the first time! She must be there!" Namjoon corrected.

And so they all made their way to that cursed cliff.


As she stared at the sea below her she thought of Hoseok, her sister, her old friends and her life in general.

She thought of the six men waiting for her at their apartment and how equally hurt they are.

She felt selfish for being the only one feeling this way.

She felt selfish for wishing Hoseok never died.

Because if he didn't he would be miserable.

And she wouldn't want that.

Because she loves him.

And he did too.

So why split up two connected souls?

Why not reunite?

They deserve it.

They deserve to see each other again.

And if the underworld is the last place that this can happen at, then she will go there.


Guys we are nearing the end ^^
One of you gave me the amazing idea of an Alternative ending!
If you want yo see two different types of ending comment on this chapter so I can write it.
Next update will be posted when this chapter reaches at least 5 votes so vote!😊

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