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After a week they became best friends.

It feels like they've known each other since childhood.

"Are you coming over to my house tonight?"

He asked.

They were at the park again and she was lying on the blanket with her head on his thigh while he had his back against a tree and his legs spread out.

"Sure." The girl said shrugging.

"Movie night? Or game night?"

"I don't think there's any other interesting movie left to watch. And let's try this new board game that Jungkook brought over last time. Oh! And UNO! Let's play UNO!" She said.

She met the boys taht were present in her suicide attempt. His best friends.

She hasn't been around them enough to know them like she knows Hoseok but she still thinks they are nice and polite.
Nothing too interesting nothing too boring.

"Yeah sure. Its already..." he looked at his wristwatch "7 pm wanna go yet?"

"Yeah let's stop by the kiosk though. Ran out of gas" she said.

"Alright let's get to the car. I'll drive you."

They walked to the place where he parked his car and soon were inside the car and moving along the road.

Her mind started drifting further away and she drowning into her thoughts.
Thoughts that she shouldn't have.
Thoughts of him.
And these thoughts made her want to vomit.

She felt something warm on the back of her hand.
She averted her gaze from the window towards Hoseok.

"Everything alright?" He smiled -worriedly- and stole a glance at her as he caressed the back of her hand with his thumb.

"Yeah... Yeah! I'm okay just thinking...." she said trying to sound cheerful.

"About?" He asked not taking his eyes off the road.

'How I'm going to kill myself' she so badly wanted to say but didn't.

"My family... my problems... life and it's worth..." she said as she stared at her feet blankly.

"You know you can talk to me right?" He said and looked at her for a spare second before parking the car.

"Yeah I know but I don't want to burden you." She said and forced a smile.

"You never burden me" he smiled softly and kissed her forehead before getting out of the car and going to the kiosk to buy cigarettes.


They were sitting in his living room as they were playing games and laughing.
She felt this feeling again.
This feeling that she gets only when she is around him.
Her chest feels light and she's able to breath again.
Her shoulders don't weigh so much.
It doesn't take much effort to get up and do stuff when she's around him.
Is this what they call happiness?

She hasn't felt this since she was much younger.
It's a nice feeling.
He makes her heart rush and gives her will to live.
He fills her world with colour.
He's like her sun who lights up her world.
He is everything that someone describes as happy.

After running around and laughing they lied on the blanket on his roof looking at the stars.

She sighed embracing this new feeling.

"Hoseok.." she said softly.

"Hmm.." he hummed not taking his eyes off the sky as they lied down with his arm over her shoulders not letting her head touch the ground.

"What is this feeling?" She asked.

"What feeling?" he stole a glance her way.

"Whenever I am around you I get this feeling.... I can't explain it! It's like I'm on the clouds! I feel peaceful and safe. I feel happy when I'm with you and excited to see you when I am not. I'm always awaiting for the moment we will be together and when we are in the happiest!"

He thought of her answer for a bit before picking his words carefully.

"That's called Euphoria.. it's the feeling of intense excitement or happiness caused by a person or something you love dearly...." he stared at the stars.

"Then you must be the cause of my euphoria!" She said as she smiled.

Her eyes hardly staying open as she felt like sleep was going to take over her body at any moment.

"But remember.... Euphoria is only a temporary day it will go away..." he said as his smile disappeared and his eyes saddened.

When he didn't get an answer he turned towards his right to see her sleeping softly in his arms.

He smiled sadly before hugging her and putting himself to sleep as well.

Euphoria || j.hs [Watty's 2018] Where stories live. Discover now