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Since that day she didn't tell anyone about her traumatic experience.
She just covered up her bruises behind make up and broken heart behind fake smiles.

But with the help of Hoseok she started seeing light in life once more.
She realised that not everyone was a fuck up like him.

They were currently walking together somewhere unknown to her.

"So... where are we going?" She asked.

"I want you to meet someone really important to me. I think you're gonna like her a lot!" Hoseok said with a smile plastered on his heavenly handsome face.

'Her? It's a girl? Is it his girlfriend?'

She thought to herself.

And these thought somehow made her chest hurt a little.
She didn't know why.
She didn't understand.

After a while they went into a flower shop.
And Hoseok bought two white roses and handed the one to her and kept the other one.

After leaving the shop he stopped.

"What is it?" She asked confused.

He took a blindfold out of his pocket.

"I need you to put this on and trust me completely!" He said with a serious face on.

It was one of the little times that he was so serious and that worried her.
But nodded and turned her back to him anyways.

After everything was black for her, he smiled lightly happy that she trusts him so much.

They started walking as he held her hand and she was kinda scared as she heard cars passing by so held on him tighter.

After a while they reached a really quite place.
And the cement was replaced by grass.

He took off the blindfold and she blinked as the light hit her eyes.
The first thing she saw was her feet as she looked down.
When her eyes adjusted she looked up to see Hoseok's back turned on her.

She looked from behind his shoulder and saw a tombstone.
She gulped from the shock.

She felt bad for feeling uncomfortable in the thought of meeting a girl earlier.

Hoseok looked at her and smiled lightly.

"This is my little sister... She would be your age now. She died 4 years ago."

"She was only 16?" She asked in disbelief.

"Yeah... She killed herself..." he said and averted his sad eyes towards the buried sister.

She gulped once again.

They both kneeled down and let the roses on her grave.
Hoseok talked to her for a bit and his friend followed lead.

He ended up crying after a while and the depressed girl besides him hugged him and comforted him.

Soon enough they had to leave.

While leaving she asked him.

"Why white roses?"

"The first reason is because it was her favourite. The second is because when she jumped off the building when she committed suicide she fell on a bush with white roses..." he said and she nodded.

After that visit to the graveyard they both felt an even stronger connection towards each other.

Hoseok requested to walk her home but she refused saying he should get some sleep.

As she was walking home she stopped by a convenience store.

As she was looking at the isles she suddenly felt hands on her lower back and a hot breath on her neck and right ear.

She looked from the side of her eye to see her sister's husband.

"Listen here princess! I'm not forgetting you escaped without my permission and you shouldn't either.... And don't think that I won't do it again.. be prepared.." he smirked as she cupped her mouth tears threatening to fall.

'What have I done to deserve this?!'

She questioned as she ran back home with tears streaming down her cheeks like crazy.

She sat down on her desk hands shaking and tears streaming down her face as her mind got clouded and darker.

But she knew this was the storm before the piece.

She wrote the note -more like letter- and walked to the bathroom.

She had stopped crying now.

She had stopped shaking.

Her eyes dull and empty.

She took out her phone.

She texted Hoseok.

I'll miss you:

HobiSunshine: what?

HobiSunshine: Where are you going?

HobiSunshine: ???

HobiSunshine: please reply to me.

HobiSunshine: Answer me!

HobiSunshine: why are you not answering!?

HobiSunshine: that's it I'm coming over.

She didn't even bother to read the texts anymore as she let her phone fall on the floor.

She dragged her feet to the bathroom of the apartment and opened the small cabinet below the sink.

Taking out the long non-used blade she sat down rethinking everything that happened the past month or two.

And that was enough to make her drag the blade painfully slowly across the length of her left arm.

The silver blade becoming red as it went deeper and deeper.

The blood flowing freely from her arm taking her worries and possibly her life along with it.

She did the same to her other arm and kept going.

Her vision was once again blurry from the tears and she was sobbing violently.

As she stared down at her cut open arms she only saw her death nearing.

So she didn't stop.

She went even deeper.

Soon her vision was flooded by black dots and she fell out of consciousness.

At the same time 7 guys with Hoseok leading the way were running to her door.

He started banging but she couldn't hear him she was too caught up in the sounds of her heart shattering.

After many attempts they broke down the door and Hoseok rushed in going straight for the bathroom.

"NO!" He screamed as he saw his dear friend laying there unconscious.

"No no no no no no!" He kept repeating.

"You can't do this to me! You must wake up! Please open your eyes! Please!" He was shaking her.

He quickly took her in his arms.

"Hoseok the ambulance is on it's way!" Namjoon said and Hoseok thanked him as he caressed her face.

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