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The lonely girl was walking down the street black hoodie on and the hood covering her face.
Her were hair falling onto on the sides of her face messily.

As she walked along the local port she saw a guy on the cliff nearby looking down into the water.
She didnt give it much thought.
Suddenly shw heard voices screaming making her turn and see that some dudes were running past towards the cliff's direction two of them dove into the water while the rest stared with anticipation or made calls.
When she turned her head towards the direction they went off to, she saw the guy from earlier being quickly curried to the surface while crying and yelling at them to let him go.

They obviously ignored his request and curried him to lay on the sand.
She shook my head and started walking up the cliff herself.

"What the fuck were you thinking?!" One of them yelled at him as they all hugged him.

She got to the edge and stared at them for a little while.
As she looked at the guy who jumped off.
She'd swear they made eye contact.

She tore her gaze away from the males and looked down into the depth of the ocean.
Since she is thalassophobic, even if the impact doesn't kill her she would most likely drown from having a panic attack underwater.

She smiled at the thought.
She smiled as she pictures her death.
She smiled as she saw the end coming.

She took a step or two back.
She breathed in a long breath before she sprinted off towards the edge.
Soon she felt nothing under her feet.
She felt as if she was flying.
She felt as if the end was nearing.
She felt free.

And even sooner she felt the great pain from the impact.
And everything went dark.

But before she completely passed out she saw lights, heard sirens and yelling.
She felt pressure on her chest and people were counting to three.
Every time they said three more pressure on her chest.
She remembers herself spitting out water.
And she also remembers an oxygen mask being placed on her nose and lips.
She remembers seeing faces ,that she didn't know, being present.
And the last thing I she felt was being curried into the ambulance as people were screaming.

"We're losing her! Hurry up!"

And then she felt peaceful.
She felt light headed.
She felt no pain and no emotion.
Just peaceful.

Did I make it?

She thought to herself.

She could hear a faint sound from her side.
Then the sounds increased in number.
It was all a blur.
As if it was blocked.
It was faint and empty as if it was coming from really far away.

She couldn't make out any voices, words or actual sounds.
Just a mess of different sounds tangled up together.

A sudden pain in her chest brought her back in touch with the world.
And the sounds came nearer, became louder and clearer.
Little by little.

She could make out voices.
People talking above her.
She could also hear a faint 'beep' sound of a heart monitor.
The beating was slow and stable.

The next thing she knew electricity is running through her body from her chest and everything becomes clearer.

"1,2,3!" And that feeling again.

"1,2,3!" Again.

Suddenly she gasped and opened her eyes being met with a white ceiling and doctors and nurses above her.

Everyone signed in relief and relaxed.
They congratulated the doctor and she was dumbfounded just lying there conscious but not really.

I almost made it..

Then some nurses did some check ups and treated some wounds she got from the impact.
It seemed like she fell near some rocks because she had scratches but no broken bones.

They left the room and she cried herself to sleep.

Euphoria || j.hs [Watty's 2018] Where stories live. Discover now