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(A/N no one found the hint yet :( oh also grab your tissues cuz this is a long ads ride🤧)

As he wrote the note, he took his time writing every character carefully because he hoped it would be his last time doing so.

He held the pencil a little longer cause he knew it was gonna be the last time he did so.

He breathed in longer and let the breath out slower cause he knew it was gonna be the last time he felt the air inside his lungs.

And as he cried he whipped and sobbed and yelled at the moon and the stars and the world, because he knew it would be his last time talking.

And he stared at the moon admiring it because he knew it was gonna be the last time he'd see it.

And as he breathed his last breath he felt his heart stinging at the thought of the world he would leave behind.

The people he'd leave behind.

And for a moment he hesitated.

But then remember the broken look on his sister's face as she waved the last goodbye and fell from that building into the darkness of the night.

The pale lifeless face and body of his love covered in blood hoping to escape this prison called life.

And remember how she wiped and cried and cursed for surviving.

And so he looked at the moon uttering out words that showed the only feeling he could feel another than sadness the past months.

Feeling mutual with the girl that made so many memories with him.

But they knew both that they would never be able to say it out loud to each other.

Because they knew that when the end came they would hurt each other so much more.

And the end was close.

Too close.

"I love you! I fucking love you so damn much but I don't love myself! I can't live like this! I'm so so sorry! Please remember me... And forgive me...."

And he kicked the chair making it fall down.

The rope blocking the air from entering his lungs as he stayed hanging.

And the sky welcomed a new angel that night.

And the next morning chaos was about to occur.


"NOOO! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! HOSOEK!" She cried out as she and the six guys entered his apartment after breaking down the door.

They quickly took his body down and checked for any beat or sign of life.

But it was too late.

She hugged his body ever so tightly and cried loudly.

"You brought happiness to my life and you took it all away with one single move."

"What am I gonna do without you now huh?" She cried as she caressed his hair.

She stared at his face for a little and ended up silently crying.

"I loved you so much..." she whispered.

Everyone was mourning inside that room as Hoseok lied on the floor lifeless.

It was too late.

He couldn't hear their confessions.

He was far gone.


Everyone cried for the loss of such a great man as the coffin closed and was placed underneath the ground.

She met his mom and they mourned together and after that she accompanied the older lady to her taxi as she went back to their hometown.

And the six guys invited the sadder than ever girl to Namjoon's house where they were going to sleep.

And she didn't reject their offer.

Jungkook smiled sadly at her as she nodded and placed a hand on her upper back guiding her to their car.

And that day ,as everyone fell asleep on the living room floor and she was awake staring at the ceiling, she realised that she now had no one.

At least these six guys had each other.

She knew it was hard for them as well but as they had each other they would help one another to get over their friend's death.

But she was now left all alone.

Her sister hates her.

Her sister's husband wants to harm her.

Hoseok died.

Her old friends all left her a long time ago.

She has no one.

And it's either fight alone in this battle of life and get over Hoseok's death alone.

Or give up.

And the second option was really tempting.

Her thoughts were soon cut short as a hand pulled her into the blankets.

"Sleep.." said Yoongi as he pulled her a little closer.

She smiled lightly and let sleep take over her system.

Euphoria || j.hs [Watty's 2018] Where stories live. Discover now