Suicide Note #3

100 17 3

A/n: we didn't reach my voting goal of 5 votes for the previous chapter but I guess it's okay, no one likes this book anyways😊 (which doesn't bother me because I do lol)
Anyways here's a chapter because I just want to finish publishing it already and as a thank you for 630 reads❤❤


The final

(The girl's)

I'm killing myself tonight.

This is the final Goodbye.

I'm sorry I just can't live without Hoseok.

He was the light in my darkness.

The moon to my sky.

The water in my fountain.

The happiness to my sadness.

And so now that he is gone I am not happy.

I am not complete.

The fact that he died because of me makes everything way worse.

Guilt is eating me alive.

I can't live like this.

Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung... thank you for trying to make me happy.

For giving me memories and happy moments with you.

Thank you for being there for me.

And I'm sorry that it had to end like this...

I really am.

But tomorrow when you wake up and I won't be there,

Don't miss me.

Don't cry for me.

Just remember me as your friend.

And don't worry because you'll have each other to make more happy memories.

This time without me and Hoseok.

I'm sorry.

I love you all.

Take care of yourselves and each other.

That's all I'm asking for.

Goodbye for now... we'll see each other again one day.

At the afterlife.

Where we all will be reunited me Hoseok and all of you guys!

But for now..


5 votes away from next(last) chapter

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