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After an hour or two some nurses came into the room when she was asleep and moved her to a cart to get her to an actual room and out of the emergency.

She woke up when they moved her but pretended to be asleep.

"Can you believe they both attempted suicide at the same place like 5 minutes apart?"

"I know right? And if it wasn't for the guy's friends being kind enough to get her out of the water she might have succeeded on killing herself."

They stopped talking for a while and just silently pushed the girl towards the destined room.

One of them gasped.

"Is she breathing?" She quickly put her hand over the girl's mouth and her slow breaths hit her hand.

She sighed in relief.

"I think we should put an oxygen mask as well. Her breathing is slow and weak." She said.

"Okay I think the ward we're putting her into already has one."

After that she heard a door opening and soon people talking.
They stopped and she could feel eyes on her.

The nurses laid her on the bed and quickly put on the oxygen mask and attached an IV on her arm.
And since her condition was quite dangerous they attached other tubes on her but se couldn't see what they were as she had my eyes closed and we pretending to sleep.

"I'm sorry but your visit will have to end soon as the patient will need to rest." One of the nurse said to the people to the bed next to mine.

"Yes ma'am. We will hurry."

After that the nurse checked the girl one more time before leaving with the other one.

"Wait is she the girl from before? The one that jumped off after You."

"I think so I can't really tell."

One of them sighed "Our problem now is not if that person is the one that almost died after you but the fact that you attempted suicide. And the fact you've been lying to us for so long. Why Hoseok?"

"Jin hyung... you know that I don't want you worry about me but I couldn't take it anymore..."


The girl's heart started beating faster as she heard their conversation.

Will me people treat me like that as Well?
Why can't they just tell him everything is gonna be okay instead of scolding him and blaming him?

Her heart monitor started beating faster and faster.
She was scared.
Scared and anxious.
Memories from earlier rushed in and she got an anxiety attack.
She started coughing making her heart beat go faster.

"What the fuck? Is she okay?"

"What do you think? Call a nurse or something!" They were panicking.

After one of them pressed the red button on the small table besides her a nurse ran inside and gave her a shot.
She calmed down and slept because of the anaesthesia.


She opened her eyes and was met with a boy and a nurse looking down at her.

The nurse sighed in relief and bowed to the boys before leaving.

The boy turned towards the other bed.

"She's awake. The nurse said that she will be fine now." He said.

"I think we should go. Our visiting time was supposed to be over an hour ago."

"Yeah Jungkook is right we should be leaving... but don't worry we will come visit you again tomorrow."

"Okay Jiminie. Don't worry. I will be out of here soon." The guy in the bed next to hers said.

They said their good byes and left.

When the door closed silence overtook them.
It was suffocating.

She took off the oxygen mask and the heart monitor thing.
She pulled out the IV and her hand was slightly bleeding but she ignored it.

I have been through way worse.

She stood up and stambled a bit at first but gained her balance.
She walked into the bathroom and washed her hands and face.

She sighed and took in deep breaths trying to calm her rising thoughts down.

When she walked out she saw a nurse checking up on the guy that now she knew is named Hoseok.

She turned and looked at the fragile girl in surprise.

"What do you think you're doing you should be in bed."

And she rushed to her helping her into her bed and attaching all the machines to her body.

She sighed.

When will this be over?

Euphoria || j.hs [Watty's 2018] Where stories live. Discover now