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He dragged her into the house and threw her on the floor.

The impact was hard enough to surely leave bruises.

He smirked an evil smirk as he turned on a light.

He grabbed her and threw her on the bed.

He tried to undress her but she was fighting back with all her might.

Her muffled screams echoing throughout the house.
He had taped her mouth as well.

He tied her wrists on bed-board and he sat on her legs so she wasn't able to move them.

He cut her shirt and shorts off and took her undergarments off throwing them on the floor.

She cried out and tried to scream.
But it was too late he was already undressing himself.

She closed her eyes not wanting to see any of what was to come.

She wished she count feel and hear either but she wasn't that lucky.

He took the tape out and whispered into her ear.

"Scream all you want no one will hear you out here anyways." And he smirked.

She knew he smirked that disgusting satanic smirk without having to see it.

And then she felt the pain on her lower abdomen.
She felt him touch her in places she was never touched.

In places that he had touched her several times before without her sister knowing.

And she didn't like it.

Not one bit.

She screamed out in pain and frustration as she cried and cried.

She screamed for help but it seemed as if her screams were muted.

It seemed that this night would be the last time she smiled.

Because her euphoria was fading away.

For a moment she forgot about Hoseok's presence.
Making her feel hopeless.

As if she doesn't have a reason to smile and live on.

Because he is the one that outs a smile on her face daily.

She stared at the ,blurred from her tears, ceiling.

The pain inside her chest worse than the one that the man physically gave her.

He slapped her several times when she didn't have a reaction.

When she was numb.

Inside out.

He kissed her harshly until he was done with pleasuring himself with another human being's body.

He slept while hugging her but all she wanted to do was puke.

She couldn't believe that she was dumb enough to fall for his lies.

She was ashamed of herself.

Euphoria || j.hs [Watty's 2018] Where stories live. Discover now