Alternative Ending

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As she stands on the edge of the cliff, she is ready to pull the trigger.

That's it.

Everything ends here.

And she is finally going to meet her love again.

But as she pulls the trigger she doenst feel the pain on her head.
Blood doesn't drip down the side of her head.
Her body doesn't slump on the grass lifelessly.

Instead she feels the gun being harshly pushed away from her hand as it falls into the water underneath the cliff.
Her body is also pushed away as the bullet flies in the air and lands somewhere in the ocean.

But her body doesn't fall on the grass.
Instead two pairs of arms help her up.
And she looks up with teary eyes to see Hoseok's frie- no. Her friends.

Jimin and Taehyung help her up and hug her tightly.

Namjoon being the one that grabbed the gun away from her, falls on his knees.
Thinking what could've happened if he was just one second late.

He starts shaking and sobbing as he stands up and walks towards her hugging her and taking her away from the two younger boys.

"Oh my god..." he whispers in her hair as he hugs her tightly with a hand stroking her hair and back.

"You're alive. We saved you..." he says still not believing it.

They cry together as everyone else joins in the hug.

Her knees shake as she falls to the ground.

She doenst know if she should be happy or not.

She doenst know if she should thank them or not.

Yoongi falls down with her as be cups her face in his large hands.

"Listen.. to us you are our little sister. To us you are the most important thing in this world. We will be with you. Fuck everyone else's opinion. You have us and we love you!" He says.

"As Alec Benjamin said;
The world's not perfect.
The world's not kind.
If we have each other we'll both be fine.
I will be your brother, I will hold your hand.
You should know I'll be there for you." Namjoon adds using these beautiful lyrics.

The girl brakes down but this time it was because she was grateful to have these seven guys by her side.

Six people and one angel.

And five years later she holds her son's hand as they stand above the grave.

She suddenly feels hands wrap around her waist from behind.
And she turns to see her beloved husband.

She kisses his lips lightly with a large smile on her lips.
She turns towards her son as she tugs her son's hand lightly.

"Come on Hoseok-ah. We will come back to your uncle next week okay?" She says and the small boy pouts as he looks at the tombstone.

He looks away and nods.

"Goodbye Hobi-ah thank you for being such a great friend and staying by my side when I needed you. I love you and miss you." She says to the grave before walking away with her happy family.

The scars on her arms are enough to remind her of him.
She could never forget her first love and euphoria.

"No problem..." says a transparent man with a pair of wings and a halo as he sits on the tombstone.

A small smile playing on his lips as he looks at his first love being happy with another man just like he wanted.
And he is more than happy that the small boy was named after him.

"You are always welcome love..." he says before he flies away to heaven to come back next week when they will come to visit him.





Y'all I felt very emotional writing the alternative ending and I don't know which one I like better. ;-;

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