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This went on for two more days.

But with the difference that he wasn't alone.

He had brought friends over.

Her throat was sore and her wrist and legs were bruised and bleeding from the tape and ropes.

Her whole body was aching because of how much they have been hitting her.
She had bruises on her left cheek and on her arms and legs from the day he was throwing her around like she was an object.

She was extremely cold as she was kept naked on that bed tied up for three days straight.

She was suffering.

The feeling of Euphoria long gone.

On the other hand back home Hoseok was worried out of his mind.

He had reported her disappearance the day before when he realised she hadn't called him nor come back.

He couldn't reach her in any way and he knew that something must have gone wrong.

Because he knew she would contact him saying that she's safe no matter what.

As for her sister she had no idea what had happened.
She only thought that her husband was on a business trip and was going to come back soon.

Back to where everything started; in the middle of the forest the abused girl was lifelessly laying in bed still tied up and locked inside the room he put her three days ago.

She was breathing heavily from not being able to breathe properly due to the hits that her body received the past days.

She looked on her right to see the plate with yesterday's food close by her.
Next to it was a fork and a knife.

The nightstand was really close to the bed -actually touching it- so she had a good possibility in succeeding.

She scooted more towards the edge of the bed.
Her wrists and ankles hurting from the ropes pulling on them.
She gritted her teeth so she wouldn't scream out of pain.

She dragged the knife with her elbow towards the bed and grabbed it with her mouth.

She took it into her hands and started cutting the ropes and tape.
She cut her right palm in the process but it was nothing compared to what she went through.

She layed her arms on her sides for a little and breathed.
She sat on her butt and quickly cut the ropes from her ankles.
She tried to get up but felt dizzy and weak.
She took deep breaths.
She grabbed her undergarments from the floor.

The memories of the past days came rushing into her mind like a tsunami.
And she drowned in them as the harsh waves hit her all over.
She closed her eyes letting tears fall freely as she drowned deeper into the bitter reality of her life.

She wiped her tears helplessly as she searched around the room for anything to wear.
She found a black t-shirt and grey sweatpants.
They smelled and seemed clean so she wore them.
She didn't know where her shoes were so she limped barefoot towards the exit of the bedroom.

The door was locked.
She was about to break down hopelessly when she saw a window.

It was unlocked so she climbed and jumped to the other side.
It was only about a meter and a half high so it wasn't dangerous.

She almost fell down as she walked towards the dirt road in hopes to get to the main road for the way back home.

She soon found herself in the middle of the main road walking.
She tried to open her phone.
It was dead.

Just like her soul.

She kept walking until she saw a cab.

She started waving like a maniac and yelling as she felt like there was a way to get out of the hell she's been living into.

The driver stopped and when saw her condition gladly took her in.

"Would you like for me to take you to a hospital miss?"

"No! Just go to this address..." she said and showed him her address.

When they got there she payed him and got into her house with the second key she hides under the doormat.

She stepped in and broke down completely.

Euphoria || j.hs [Watty's 2018] Where stories live. Discover now