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The girl was soon awoken by the nurse as it was time to eat.
Hoseok had visitors again- the six guys from yesterday.

"Look. You need to eat! I have more patients to take care of so I'm just gonna leave this here." She said as she put the food on the table next to her.

She sighed and left.

The guys were loud and funny.

And she found herself questioning how one of these dorks -the loudest one as well- was trying to kill himself the day before.
And also questioning herself how long ago it was since she felt happy.

After a little while a nurse came into the room.

"Miss you have visitors."

And then her sister walked from behind the nurse in all her glory.

"Eonnie!" The younger girl said happily with tears threatening to come out of her shockets as she sat up.

But her smile soon vanished when the door closed and her sister walked in furious.

"Listen here you little bitch! Stay away from my husband! Understood?"

She forrowed her eyebrows.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Don't play innocent now! I know you tried to seduce him and get him into your panties and it's fucking disgusting me!"

"What the hell?! He was the one wh-"

"Just shut the fuck up!" She pushed her left shoulder back.

"Remember! I don't care if we are blood related or not! But if you dare to try and break my family apart one more time I will have no mercy! I have three children and an inborn baby! S.T.A.Y. A.W.A.Y!"

"No hear me out first! He is the one that fucking raped me! He is the unloyal one! He is the cheater! You shoul-"

She..... slapped me?

The girl couldn't believe it.
Her sister, the only person she'd trust blindly, betrayed her.

"How dare you say such things? I'm done with your pitiful ass trying to break apart my happy family! You are not a sister to me! You're a traitor!"

And she walked away as the younger girl stared blankly into space.

She realised that the room had went quiet which means that everyone in here heard and saw the whole thing.

But at this point... she didn't care...

She didn't care about anything.
She was numb.

As the clock ticked midnight, she was still awake into the hospital room.

Laying in her bed and staring blankly at the ceiling of this moonlit room.

"Are you awake?" She heard Hoseok's voice from the bed next to her.

"Yeah..." she said in a low voice.

"You wanna talk about what happened today?" He asked and she thought about it.

"I don't know..." she replied thinking the events taht occurred that day.

"If you want anyone to talk to I'm here." He said.


After that a thick silence fell upon them like a thick blanket suffocating both of them.

"Wanna do something fun?" He asked again.


"Like going yo the hospital garden in midnight." She turned and saw him smirking slightly.

"Sure." She shrugged and they stood up walking to the door.

Suddenly he put and arm over her, stopping her from walking.

She looked through the small window on the doube doors and saw a doctor walking by.

After that they quickly and quietly walked out and to the elevator.

When they reached the ground floor they were really careful as there are doctors and nurses working night hours.

They got to the garden and she silently stared at the nature in front of her.

She inhaled a long drag of fresh air and slowly exhaled it.

When she turned around she saw Hoseok doin the same but with a cigarette.

"Where did you even find these?" She asked as she took the deadly stick out of his hand and took a long drag out of it.

"Last time I came here I hid some in my pillow no one found out so I did it again." He shrugged.

"And how did you get them inside?"

"Last time I had them into my pocket. This time I stole them from one of my friends. When they weren't looking I took the packet out of his pocket, emptied it, and when he looked inside it to find it completely empty he thought he used them so he just threw the packet."

"Clever I must say."

After that they both sat in silence and smoked the deadly sticks.

They sat down and talked and soon were star gazing.

As she exhaled the thick cloud of smoke he asked a surprising question.

"When did you start smoking?"

"16 years old..."


"Personal reason... might tell you some other time..."



"20... personal reasons."

She nodded and looked back at the sky as she exhaled more smoke.

Euphoria || j.hs [Watty's 2018] Where stories live. Discover now