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The night was dark and stormy. The lightning flashed, illuminating a lone figure on their way to the Malfoy Manner, a large mansion that was the meeting place of a group of dark wizards. The door blew open and the cloaked figure strode in. He made his way to the large dining room where there was a table at which twelve wizards already sat.  At the head of the table sat the dark wizard, Voldemort. 

"Ah, Severus. How nice of you to join us." The Dark Lord hissed. The cloaked figure sat at the end of the table and pulled back his hood, revealing Severus Snape, a Hogwarts teacher.  "Now all of us are here, we can proceed. As you all know, the past few months have been uneventful. The ministry knows that I am back and they have apparently sent for back up - Percy Jackson." He said the name like venom.

 "There is no information of him anywhere in the Ministry. According to the records, he doesn't exist." A death eater said to the group. He had tortured a ministry worker for access to the records. 

"Well, he does exist. And he single handily managed to assist Dumbledore in defeating me." Voldemort said. "I sensed power in him. The same I felt in James Potter, but stronger. This year we will be making sure that we find this Percy Jackson and prevent him from interfering. He destroyed the prophecy." He turned to Lucius Malfoy. 

"Speaking of which, I don't think your loyalty is devoted to me. You failed again in bringing me what I asked for." 

"My Lord," Malfoy started. His wife, Narcissa, put her hand on his. 

"I think you have failed me one too many times Lucius. It's about time I make an example of you and test your loyalty." Voldemort gestured to a shadowed figure in the back corner of the room. "Fenrir, go tell little Draco who is on the stairs listening right now that I have a gift for him." Narcissa gasped and tried to reason with her master, but he waved her off. Fenrir Greyback came back dragging the blonde sixteen year old child by the arm. 

"What do you want?" Draco spat. 

"Draco, speak with more respect when addressing the Lord." His father said tightly. Voldemort waved him off. 

"Now now Lucius. Little Draco here is showing that he isn't afraid. We'll make a wizard out of him yet. In the mean time," He nodded at the werewolf holding Draco, "We need to make an example." Voldemort waved his wand and the curtains on the large window parted, revealing the full moon. Draco's eyes grew large as the person holding him began to change. The werewolf formed and snarled down at the cowering boy. 

"Draco!" His mother screamed.  

And as the werewolf bit down on the screaming boy's arm, four demigods woke at the same time. Each panting and terrified at what they had just seen. 

The Half-Blood Princes {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now