Christmas Magic

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So, this is the chapter that everyone's been waiting for. I just want to say, that it's a long one. 'Cause I didn't want you guys to wait ANOTHER week for the special moment ;).

By the way, the chapter is dedicated to Ophelia because I was like 'I need help!' And she just came up with the most adorable idea, so you have her to thank.

Without further ado...



One more month of no sleep passed and I've started to fall asleep everywhere. McGonagall had scolded me for passing out at the desk. I would have woken up anyway; it seems like whenever I close my eyes I'm haunted with flashes of my dead friends.

"Percy!" Annabeth cried as I stumbled on my way down to the greenhouse for Herbology. The snow was freshly fallen, now that it was the beginning of December, and it was easy to trip. Right? Either that or the world wouldn't stop spinning. "How much sleep have you gotten since the Quidditch match?" She held my body upright.

"A couple of hours a night." I said, a little spacey. You know, the snow looks like fluffy clouds when it moves. My vision blurred for a scary moment and I found myself back in Annabeth's arms.

"Percy! You can die if you don't get a good amount of sleep!" Annabeth sounded really worried. "Why aren't you sleeping?"

"I keep seeing you guys die." Screw it, I need to tell her. I probably should have told her before. I hate lying to her. She's my fiancé. Wow. It feels so nice to consider her my fiancé. I giggled at how it sounded in my head.

"Percy, I need to get you to Madam Pomphrey. Come on." Annabeth slung one of my arms around her shoulder and helped me walk slowly back into the castle. My head was pounding. All I wanted to do was collapse. But Annabeth wouldn't let me. She wouldn't let me fall to the floor, she kept me upright. So I leant into her shoulder.

Nico was passing us when he saw my condition.

"Percy!" He exclaimed. "What's wrong?"

"He needs to get to Madam Pomphrey." Annabeth grunted. "Give me a little help?" Nico's eyes widened and quickly stuffed his books into his satchel. He grabbed my other arm and put it around him. He's so small. Although, he's grown a little since the beginning of the year, don't know if it's magic or his body actually growing. Still, I was slightly lopsided as I made my way up to the hospital wing. When we made it to the hospital wing, I could see Will tending to a student who looked like they were sprouting twigs out of their ears. I think it's pretty cool that Will got days off to work in the hospital wing. It meant he could still help students, but also learn more about the wizarding world. Nico didn't seem to like the fact that Will was there. They're still not talking as often as I'd probably like, but they are being more friendly. Will turned to us.

"Percy! What in Hades?" Will exclaimed and ran over to us. He put his arms under mine and I fell forward onto him. He's really warm. Almost as warm as Annabeth. Almost. Annabeth and Nico let go of my arms and helped Will carry me to the bed.

"Apparently he's not sleeping." Annabeth's eyes were filed with worry. I felt bad that she was worried for me. There was a pang in my chest as I thought of how much it must be hurting here, to see me like this.

... Hang on, didn't she say I could DIE?!

Madam Pomfrey hurried over to my bed.

"What's wrong with him?" She asked.

"He's not sleeping." Will explained.

"Have you given him a sleeping draft?" Madam Pomfrey asked.

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