Battle in the Bathroom

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This one is sad. Sorry in advance.



I was pacing around my room when Luke finally decided to show up.

"Where have you been?" I asked. No one shared a dormitory with me. I was one of the lucky few who got a tiny little room with a single bed and a dresser to call home at Hogwarts. I hated it. But it provided me with some kind of privacy.

"You told me to go talk with the Bloody Baron," Luke said. "But you'll be happy to find that I found out something that might help you."

"Finally," I muttered.

Ignoring me, Luke continued, "I overheard the ghosts talking about something called the Room of Requirement-"

I cursed. Why hadn't I thought of that?!

"You know it?" Luke asked.

"Yeah. Last year I found it. Long story." I waved him off. "I think we should check this room for the cupboard." I walked out of the room, Luke following me.

"Thanks Luke, you're amazing. I really appreciate what you do," Luke said in a high pitched voice. I ignored him.



Draco found the Room of Requirement, but when he found the sister cupboard that was magically connected to the death eater one, he started freaking out again. But this time it was bad. He had run off to the third floor bathroom.


I was answered with harsh sobbing into the basin. This time was very bad.

"I can't-- I can't do-do it," Draco choked. "He's going to k-kill me-me an-and I-" Tears flowed down his cheeks. I had seen Draco cry before, but never like this. Now that his plan was starting to work out, he was psyching himself out.

"Draco, you need to breathe-"

"I'm go-going to die!" He cried. The bathroom door opened and closed but I ignored it. My only focus was on Draco. He looked up from the basin but he saw something in the mirror. Spinning harshly and grabbing his wand, he shot a curse at the newcomer.

It was Harry.

The black-haired boy countered the spell and shot a different one at Draco. I shouted at my friend to stop, but he shot another curse at Harry. They danced around the wet floor and kept firing jinxes and curses at each other, each one countered before another one was launched. Someone was going to get hurt, so I screamed at them to stop. I didn't care if Harry heard me. I wanted him to hear me, if it meant that they would stop trying to kill each other.


"Sectumsempra!" Harry yelled. Draco couldn't counter, so it met it's target. He fell to the floor, his white shirt growing wet with red blood. It looked like he was being slashed apart.

Harry stumbled back.

I screamed.

Loosing concentration on whether I could be seen by humans, I ran over to Draco's side.

"Draco!" I tried to stop the bleeding with my hands, but they went straight through. I couldn't gather enough concentration or strength to change my form. He wasn't breathing. His chest wasn't moving. The cuts kept forming. Harry retreated out of the room.

"We have thirty seconds to get to the other side of the school. Class is about to start!" Someone said from outside.

"I know, Will. But when you've gotta go, you've gotta go." I recognise that voice. The door opened. I looked away from the body on the floor and gathered the last of my effort to remain unseen. Percy and Will walked in a second later, freezing when they saw Draco.

"Oh my gods," Percy whispered, horrified. It took Will a moment to take a hold of himself before he started hitting Percy's arm.

"Teacher. Go get a teacher." His doctor instincts kicked in and he ran over to Draco while Percy sprinted out. Will's knees were stained with blood as he knelt on the red floor. He started cursing under his breath, his hands hovering over Draco's chest. He doesn't know what to do.

"Do something!" I show myself. Will jumped back. "Hurry up and heal him!" I cried.


"Stop focussing on me and help him!" My voice cracked. "He's... he's..." I stopped myself. I couldn't say it.

Will's hands shook as he pressed them against the main cuts on Draco's chest. He started muttering under his breath, the words forming some kind of song. The cuts kept slashing Draco's arms, legs, face. It wasn't working. The whole floor was now blood and water. I pushed away from his body and kept scooting away until I hit the wall, unable to watch anymore. 

"Will!" Percy cried, sprinting back into the bathroom. Will's head snapped up, tears streaming down his cheeks. Professor Snape ran in behind Percy. I made myself as silent as I could, trying to become invisible. Snape pushed Will to the side and whipped out his wand, reciting a spell. The cuts started retreating and the blood withdrew back into Draco's body.

He's going to be okay.

I covered my mouth and my chest collapsed in relief. I watched Percy and Snape lift Draco and carry him out of the bathroom. Will took one look back in my direction.

"Don't- Don't tell him. Don't tell Percy." I choked out. Will couldn't see me; I had finally relaxed enough to hide myself, but he nodded, his eyes sad. He walked out of the bathroom, leaving me alone in the deafening silence.

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