My Dearest, Wise Girl

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We sat next to Jason and Piper at the feast. 

"Why are you here?" I asked Piper as Percy and Jason started talking. I saw a flash of black as Jason passed something to Percy under the table. 

"Hades sent Jason to Hogwarts and I joined him. Something about what's happening back at camp..." Piper explained. 

"Cool," I said and ate some of the pudding. Harry and Percy had caused us to miss dinner. 


The next morning I woke up to the sound of birds. I missed Hogwarts, it has a kind of homely feel that you can only get in two places; Camp Half-Blood and Hogwarts. I went down to breakfast to see Piper and Percy talking together, heads bent. I slid next to Percy. 

"Hi," I said. Percy jumped. 

"Annabeth! Hi!" He said and grabbed his fork. He was suddenly very flustered. 

"What's going on?" I asked. Piper stood up with her timetable and pat Percy's shoulder. 

"Everything's good. See you in Herbology." She walked out. 

"Nothing, just wanting to ask Piper how camp was back home." Percy said, focusing on his pancakes. I raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off. 


The rest of the day went pretty normally. Percy and Nico ended up taking potions with Harry, which was good. At least we had someone in that class to watch him. Slughorn was... interesting.   

"Why'd you take it?" Ron asked Harry at lunch. 

"Because I wanted to study it." Harry said bluntly and sat down at the table. 

"What happened?" Will asked as Nico and Percy joined us. 

"Harry stole the book that he was supposed to be borrowing from Slughorn." Ron huffed. 

"I wanted to study it, okay? It sounds interesting. Let's just drop it, please?" Harry asked and wouldn't meet any of our eyes. I raised an eyebrow at Percy but he shrugged. 

"So, when are the Quidditch tryouts?" Percy changed the subject. 

"In a week," Harry replied. 

"I think I might try out," Jason said. 

"You'd be good." Hermione nodded. "I think you'd be a really good chaser." When Jason looked at her confused, she explained, "the one who throws the ball and tries to score a goal."

"Oh, yeah. I want to be that one." Jason grinned. 

"I want to be Keeper." Ron mumbled. 

"What was that, Ron?" Will asked. 

"Nothing." He stood up and left. 


Percy pulled me aside after dinner. 

"I wanna show you something," He whispered in my ear and lead me to the door. He pulled me outside. It was a beautiful evening, the sun was setting and there was a slight breeze. The sky was lit up with oranges and pinks. Percy wouldn't let me stand and admire the view though, he just pulled me towards the lake, breaking into a run. I jogged to keep up with him. 

"What are you doing?" I laughed when we made it to the shore of the lake. The sunset was reflecting off the lake. Percy was standing ankle deep in the water, so I stood next to him. I looked out onto the lake. It was beautiful. It reminded me of all the times we would stand on Long Island and look out on the water there. I smiled at the memory of last year when he took me to this exact spot for a picnic. 

I turned to him. "You didn't answer my-" I stopped and drew a breath. 

There he was, my handsome Seaweed Brain, on one knee, holding a black box. He opened the box and I gasped. The ring was a gold band with a small diamond. Swirls circled around the band. There was a slight reflectiveness to the gold, making it shimmer in the light. Just like water. 

"You said you wanted a ring, so," He flashed his signature grin, "Will you, Annabeth - Wise Girl -Chase, spend the rest of your life with me?" He paused and when I didn't respond in the second that he stopped talking, he continued. "I mean, technically we're already engaged, but I wanted to it the modern way as well, and you wanted a ring, and Aphrodite wouldn't stop squealing over the IM, and Athena told me that if I broke your heart she would break me and that she liked the idea of doing it like this and-"

I shushed him. He was rambling. He was so cute when he was nervous. "I caught the apple Percy, of course I'll spend the rest of my life with you! And hopefully, we can even spend Elysium together as well." I grinned as his face lit up. I took the ring out of the box and slid it onto my finger. 

"It's beautiful on you," Percy stood up and wrapped his arms around me. 

"Where'd you get it?" I asked, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him closer. 

"Aphrodite made it. I asked her for a ring and she would not stop squealing about how long she's waited for us to be engaged. Jason delivered it." Ah, so that's what that flash of black was at the feast last night. 

"Well, I love you Seaweed Brain," I leant in closer. 

"And I you, Annabeth. My dearest, Wise girl." Percy closed the gap between us. 

It was the best kiss we've ever shared. 

It meant that we were going to be together forever, and the gold ring on my finger proved it. 



Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I wrote it! *squeals* I love it so much, hopefully it's as fluffy as I intended. I feel so happy after writing that. 

Also, shameless promotion to @OpheliatheEmerald cause she has written a book, you guys should definitely check it out. It's really good. It's about a girl who can kill people by clicking her fingers, but so far she doesn't know it yet. She's more frequent in updating then I am and she has plans. It's really fun to read so if you're interested you should go check it out. 

Edit: I forgot to mention the title *facepalms*. It's called 'Click, Boom'

Love you all, hope you're having a great day/night, 


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