Piper's mission pt 2

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Alright. This one also might be sad. I'm so sorry, I swear I don't mean to make them sad. 


It's Will's turn. I found him on the stairs leading to the Gryffindor Tower, his knees pulled against his chest and staring straight ahead.

"Will?" I asked softly as I got closer.

"Go away." He told me. It was harsh, but I ignored it and sat next to him. He went to stand up and leave, but I stopped him.

"Don't you dare leave. You are going to sit here and answer my questions." I said, my voice laced with charmspeak. He begrudgingly nodded, knowing that I was using my power, but I didn't care. He needed to drop the attitude and suck it up. "Alright, we're going to start with last week. What happened after Nico got back?"

Will shifted and looked away from me. "I told him that Draco was asking to see him, so he went. He didn't get back until I was asleep though."

"So he went to go see Draco the night he got back?" I repeated.

"Yes, that's what I said." Will rolled his eyes. Okay, I've had enough of his attitude.

"What the hell did we do to deserve this?" I got up and stood over him. "You've been bitter and harsh to everyone, not just Nico."

"Don't act as if you care!"

"What are you talking about?"

"You, Jason, Percy and Annabeth are only nice to me because you're friends with Nico. Now that Nico has dumped me, you can stop pretending to be my friend and leave me alone."

"What gave you the twisted idea that we aren't your friends?!" 

Will scoffed. "Don't tell me that if Nico hadn't started dating me that you would have become friends with me. I wouldn't even be at Hogwarts if Nico wasn't my boyfriend."

I took a step down. I didn't know what to say. I guess, in a sick, twisted way, he was right. He wasn't one of the seven, and he wasn't on the quest. I probably wouldn't have gotten to know him if Nico hadn't been so excited about him. Before that, he was just a face in the crowd. 

"I knew it." Will said when I didn't answer. He stood up. I let him climb the stairs before an idea came to my mind.

"Do you know what Nico said to me after your first date?" I called after him. He stopped but didn't turn around, and I continued. "I had stayed up by the campfire, waiting for him. He was so nervous and excited to go out with you, I had thought he might want someone to talk to when he got back, someone to share his excitement. He'd been crushing on you for weeks before I finally got him to ask you out.

"When he got back, I didn't ask him how it went, I could see the glow on his cheeks. He just sat next to me next to the fire and described every second of the date. He wouldn't stop talking. He was so excited about it. When he had finished, he only had to say one thing before I completely approved of you. Before I knew you were the one for him. Do you know what he said?" I paused. Nico had told me not to tell Will, but drastic times call for broken promises. "He said, "I finally know what it feels like to be happy"."

I paused for a breath. Will still hadn't turned around. "You make him happy, Will. I don't want you to think for a minute that Nico doesn't love you, or doesn't care about you. You mean everything to him, he's just forgotten the happiness you give him. He's forgotten what that happiness feels like, but he wants to do everything he can to get it back, because he feels incomplete, Will. You complete him. He hasn't just forgotten you, Will. He's forgotten parts of the war, parts of last year. He's even forgotten what happened when he saw Draco! I don't want you to forgive him immediately, because I know you're hurting, but I just want you to try."

There was silence. Then Will spoke. "I think I believe you. But I don't know if I'm ready to talk to Nico again," He looked over his shoulder at me, his eyes glistening, "Give me time."

"Of course, Will." I said gently. "But you need to drop the bitterness towards everyone. We are your friends. We want you to be happy. You're my friend, Will, and don't believe it for a second that I'm not."

"Thank you, Piper. And I'm sorry." Will said sadly before walking up to the common room. I stayed on the stairs, staring at his retreating back. It was going to take time, but Will and Nico were going to see each other's side, and hopefully get back together.

Meanwhile, I need to figure out what happened with Draco.


That was a shorter one than usual, but would you look at that. Nico and Will are on their way to recovery. And Piper has become a character that I actually like - I feel like I've just rewritten her character, only keeping the redeemable qualities and her attitude towards her friends. And I can do that, cause I'm the author ;)

Also, I'm apologising again, for the chapter before the last one. It was terrifying for me to click the 'publish' button, cause I didn't want to hurt you guys, but it was necessary for me to do for the acceleration for the plot.

So, the chapters coming up are going to be a little nicer on your hearts. So, look forward to those. 

Two more chapters until they get back together!

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