The Half-Blood Prince

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We were out looking for Percy when we saw a green smoke fill the night sky. Percy hadn't come to dinner because he wasn't hungry and he wanted to work on homework, but we couldn't find him when we got back. Nico and Will had stayed in the common room in case he came back, Jason and Piper checked the lake and I was searching the castle with Hermione. I wasn't too worried for where my fiancé was, but he did tend to get lost in this castle. Especially with the moving staircases.

I spotted the smoke before Hermione. We were in the third floor corridor when I saw it out the window. The green smoke twisted and turned in the sky, forming a face with a snake coming out it's mouth. It felt sinister and ominous.

"Hermione," I said to get her attention. She came over to the window and the colour drained from her face.

"That's the symbol of You-Know-Who," She whispered, horrified.

"Why is it here?" I asked. There were people assembling at the bottom of the astronomy tower.

"We should probably check down there," Hermione said and rushed down the stairs.



We waited a while until all the death eaters had gone down the stairs and had left the tower. Draco was still above us so we snuck down the stairs quietly. Outside the wind blew past us. Green smoke filed the sky in the shape of a snake. I looked around the grassy area. People were filing out into the courtyard to see what the commotion was. I could see Dumbledore's lifeless body at the foot of the tower. Harry walked slowly over to him. He knelt slowly and started crying.

The sudden feeling of failure gripped my chest. Our quest was to protect Harry Potter from the dark wizard, Voldemort. However, in the two years we have been here, the people that mean the most to Harry have dropped dead. Killed by the death eaters who follow Voldemort. Sure, Harry is surviving, but a part of him dies with them. His godfather was first. He took the only hope of a real family with him. Now it's Dumbledore, taking answers to all the questions Harry still has.

I took the locket out of my pocket and turned it over in my hand. Ginny pushed through the crowd and knelt by Harry. Teachers and students assembled around us.

McGonagall the first to raise her wand. The tip lit up with a calming white light. Madam Pomfrey is next. Slowly but surely, wands from students and staff were pointed at the sky, lightning up the courtyard in a bright light. The smoke in the sky retreated under the pure light.

I opened the locket and found a note inside.

To the Dark Lord

I know I will be dead long before you read this but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match you will be mortal once more.


I scrunched it in frustration. Everything we did tonight was in vain. Someone got there before us. I looked over at Harry but decided against giving the note. He didn't need to know about this right now. I folded it back up and closed it in the locket. I looked around the assemble of people and found the messy blond that I loved so much. The crowd parted for me and I made my way over to Annabeth.

"Take this," I said, placing the locket in her hand. "I'll explain later." I turned back, planning to talk to Harry, but found he was gone. He wasn't next to Dumbledore's body. I pushed forward until I made it to the edge of the courtyard. I spun in a circle, trying to spot him. Finally, I saw him sprinting across the grass towards Hagrid's hut which suddenly burst into flames.

I ran after him. Ahead of me I could see Bellatrix dancing around the burning hut.

"You killed him!" Harry screamed. A figure turned, their black robes flying in the wind. Snape. "He trusted you!" A spell was fired from Harry's wand, but Snape countered.

"Harry! Stop!" I cried out, but he paid no attention. I caught up to him and grabbed him by the shoulders. He resisted.

"Get off me!" He shouted. "Stop it you stupid half-blood!" I let him go in shock. He glared at me, his eyes shadowed from the light of the fire. "You're not human. Now go back to where ever you came from and leave me alone." He growled. I stepped back and he turned back to Snape, firing another spell. I let him go.

I caught words flying between the two of them.


" own spell.... half-blood prince..."

Then it was over. Snape apparated away with the other death eaters. Harry fell to the ground, his sobbing the only sound on the grassy hill.

By the time he calmed himself down, I was gone.



I stood at the top of the astronomy tower, alone. I could feel Luke behind me, but he didn't say anything. The wand lights underneath me shone. They looked like stars.

"I didn't do it." I whispered. I'm not crying; I've wasted enough tears at the top of this tower. "I couldn't do it." I could hear Luke walk closer. "He's going to kill me." I realised.

"No. He's not." Luke said. "You're not going to die, Draco. I promise."

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