I'm Not The Only One

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Banana, please don't hurt me.

Also, I'm sorry I've been really infrequent. I've been writing this story, I'm just unsure on whether I should publish the chapters that I've written because I don't know if that's how I want the story to go. I mean, I want it to go that way, I just don't know if you guys want it. But here is this chapter, which means it's probably going to go the way that it's going and you guys can do nothing about it.

Hope you like it, here goes.




I was about to break so many rules.

But screw it, rules were made to be broken.

Harry met me in the common room at dawn, just like I asked.

"Did you even sleep?" He yawned, rubbing his eyes and stretching. I rolled my eyes. Of course I slept, I just find it easier to wake up when the sun hasn't risen. 

"Harry, you can't tell anyone about what's about to happen, okay?"

"Uh, sure." Harry furrowed his eyebrows.

"Okay, this will be interesting." I mumbled and stuck out my arm. "Hold on and don't let go." He gingerly reached out and grabbed my forearm.

Then I shadow travelled out of there.



"What are you doing?" Castellan whispered next to my ear. 

I swear, I jumped three feet into the air.

"Will you stop that?" I hissed at him. He grinned smugly which made me scowl harder. 

"What are you doing?" He asked again. 

"I'm not doing anything." I said bluntly. It was true, I was just leaning over the railing of the astronomy tower. It wasn't like I was going to do anything, I just like the feeling of vertigo. It clears my head. It was getting around to that time of month, and I was slightly stressing out. It was going to be the third time I go through it and I was not looking forward to it. In fact, Pansy had asked me if I was alright yesterday. I probably didn't look like it. My hair was unbrushed and my skin was paler than usual. 

"Sure." Castellan rolled his eyes. 

"Screw you." I turned back over to the lake. The sun was rising. 


I could do it. It's not that hard. I mean, the first time was horrible. But surely this time would be different? Snape said he would be able to give me a 'potion' of sorts.  He said it was the same one he gave to Lupin in year three. Apparently it would make me... 'stable' when I was in that state. My hands started shaking and I gripped the railing harder. I was going to be fine. It was going to be fine. I think what I'm most terrified about is the fact that I am that.. creature. It's part of me now, and I can't even bring myself to say the name. 

It's not fair. 

"What's wrong, Draco?" Castellan asked. 

"I asked you to call me Malfoy." 

"Not until you tell me what's wrong. I'm here to-"

"Help. Yes, I know. But I. Don't. Care." I spelled it out to him. I felt like I was repeating this over and over again. "Leave me alone, I don't see why I need a ghost always watching over my shoulder."

"Because you need someone to talk to. You can't keep all your emotion bottled up. It's unhealthy, and it always leads to something going wrong," He paused, "Trust me, I know." He whispered. 

"You tell me how you know and I might tell you what's wrong." I compromised. I needed to know more about the Americans, and Castellan seemed to recognise them. I've seen the way he looks at them at the feast. I'm apparently the only one who can see him. 

He looks at Chase the most. It's almost a sort of... longing, perhaps? Or regret? It's hard to read a ghost's emotions. 

"Because I've been in your situation, idiot. I know exactly what you need to do, so don't act like I don't. I only ask you because I want you to say it. Go on, Malfoy. Say it. Say what you are. Admit it to yourself." He was angry now. Frustrated, even. 

"I-" No. I'm not going to. I'm not going to admit it. 

"Do it." His face was millimetres away. 

"I-I can't." I stammered. 

"Then I can't tell you anything." He backed away and started walking towards the stairs. My fingers fidgeted at my side, debating whether I should. 

"Fine!" I called. What was I doing? 

Castellan turned around and crossed his arms. 


"I-I'm... I-I'm a-a w-w," I couldn't do it. The word couldn't come out of my mouth. 

"W-Werewolf." I whispered. 

"There you go." He smiled. "Now it's my turn. I'm a demigod."

"Huh?" I wasn't sure I heard him right. 

"You heard me. I'm a half-blood; half human, half god."

I laughed sadly. "Then I guess we're both freaks." I looked back out at the horizon. The sky was lit up with pinks and blues. 

"You didn't let me finish. I'm a half-blood, and I'm not the only one." 


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