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This is the last chapter that I'm going to beg for my life.

*nervous laughter before the sound of retreating footsteps*



I hate my dreams. Most of them are nightmares, showing me different scenes play out. I can see Harry die in a flash of green light. I see Voldemort laughing over his dead body. I see Draco crying at the top of the astronomy tower alone, looking down at hundreds of wand lights pointed up at the sky. 

Every night it's a new image that plays in my mind over and over again, and every morning I wake up and have a sinking feeling that I'm seeing the future. This morning, when I fell off the bed, Voldemort had turned to me and broken what I like to call the 'fourth wall' in my dreams. He had pointed his wand at me and the green light had started toward me. I managed to fall off the bed in a mess of sheets and Will started laughing at me. It was fine, I didn't mind. I was just shaken from the dream. 


~time skip to the end of the last chapter~


"Fine, I won't hurt him. I'll just see what he wants."

"Thank you." Will smiled. 

Yeah, sure. I was going to see what Draco wanted. But I will hit him if he annoys me. I left the common room and searched the hallways. I was debating where a dark, creepy dude like him might be - so I headed for the astronomy tower. That's probably where I would go if I was going to turn into a werewolf. It's secluded, no one goes there, and it's got a really great view. I estimated that I had about an hour before the moon rose. That's when Draco would go crazy. I don't know that much about the werewolves in this world, but I know that they can lose control depending on how old they are. I guess mythomagic has some kind of benefits. 

When I reached the tower, it looked empty. No one was on the stairs and I couldn't hear anyone. But as I climbed to the top, I could hear whispering. I stopped short and listened. 

"You didn't have to punch him." Someone was saying. 

"Yeah but I don't care. I'd do it again." It was Draco's voice. It was cracking, it sounded like he had been crying. 

"No you won't."

"Alright! I wouldn't. But I needed to know where di Angelo was."

"When I told you I wasn't the only one, I didn't expect you to go straight for the Americans."

"Oh come on, they're obviously like you, now that I think about it. And you said that Jackson had a weak spot. I-" 

I cursed as I fell backwards onto the stairs. I was trying to back away, but I tripped over my own feet. I stood up slowly, praying to the gods that they hadn't heard me. 

"Someone's here." Draco said. Damnit. 

"No kidding." 

"Well, go get them!" 

"I'm a ghost Draco. I can't 'get them' even if I wanted too."

"The moon's starting to rise, idiot! Do as I say!" 

I heard a pop behind me and spun around quickly. My heart jumped to my throat. In the light of the sunset I could immediately recognise the pale, white boy standing in front of me. I had run out of camp so I had never seen him in person, but I had seen him at a distance in the Underworld. 

Luke Castellan. The scar on his face was unmistakably him. 

"And you are?" He asked. 

"Nico di Angelo." Draco says bitterly behind me. I spin, but he manages to cast some kind of spell that releases rope-like things from the end of his wand. They wrap around me and Draco pulls me up the rest of the stairs. He throws me down near the railing. Luke follows behind him. "So you did come." Draco sounds impressed. He didn't look impressive though. His hair was messy and unbrushed. His skin was pale, his eyes were red and tear stains covered his cheeks. 

The Half-Blood Princes {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now