'Not My Type'

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We arrived at the burrow at around 3 in the morning, according to my great sense of time. It was still dark, but I wasn't tired, so that meant it was after midnight. The Burrow bent to the side, and like last year, I was scared of it tipping completely over. 

"Harry, may I talk to you privately?" Dumbledore asked Harry, gesturing to a shed next to the house. Harry nodded and he started walking towards it. "Molly's expecting you, Percy. Tell her we will only be a moment." I nodded and walked over to the door to the house. The kitchen light was on. I pushed open the door and was greeted by a wave of comforting heat. 

"Percy!" Molly exclaimed, embracing me in a warm hug. She pulled away. "You've grown a little bit over the holidays."

"I guess so," I laughed. 

"I wasn't expecting you until the morning! Speaking of which," She looked behind me, "Where's Harry and Dumbledore?" 

"Dumbledore wanted to talk to him privately," I explained. 

"I think I should probably be off," Someone behind Mrs Weasley said. Mrs Weasley stepped out of the way showing a young witch sitting at the table with a pale, heart shaped face and mousy-brown hair. She stood from the chair.

"Ah, Nymphadora!" Dumbledore exclaimed from the door behind me. The witch nodded. 

"Hello Harry," She smiled. 

"Hi Tonks," He responded. 

"Well, as I was saying, I should probably be leaving, thank you for the tea and sympathy, Molly," Tonks gave Mrs Weasley a quick hug and ruffled Harry's hair. She gave me a small salute with two of her fingers and walked out into the yard where she vanished. I grinned at her gesture. She really was something else. 

"Well, I shall see you both at Hogwarts," Dumbledore said to Harry and I. Then he walked out into the yard and vanished in the same spot as Tonks did. Mrs Weasley closed the door to the empty yard and turned back to us. We both sat down at the table, which a big ginger cat leapt onto. 

"Hermione is here?" I asked, recognising the squished face of the feline. 

"Yes, she arrived the day before yesterday. She wouldn't stop reading some book of hers. She also leapt out of her seat when I brought home your friends," Mrs Weasley answered, tapping her wand on a kettle, making it boil immediately. "Of course, they're all asleep at the moment. We weren't expecting you for a few more hours. Bread?"

"Thanks Mrs Weasley," Harry and I said together. She gave us each two slices of buttered bread and poured the boiling water into two bowls, which she tapped with her wand. The bowls were then set in front of us, now bowls of hot soup. I felt my stomach growl, not realising that I hadn't eaten since yesterday morning, my time. The soup burned the back of my throat, but I devoured it. Harry and Mrs Weasley were talking about something to do with the ministry when we heard a knock on the door. 

"Arthur? Is that you?" Mrs Weasley called. 

"Yes, but a death eater could respond with the same thing. Ask the question!" I heard Mr Weasley say from behind the door. 

"Oh honestly-"

"Ask it!"

"Fine, what is your dearest ambition?" Mrs Weasley rolled her eyes. 

"To find out how aeroplanes stay up. Now your turn."

"Arthur this isn't-"

"What do I call you when we're alone?" In the dim lighting I saw Mrs Weasley's ears go a bright red, much like Ron's when he's embarrassed. Harry suddenly became very interested in his soup and I found a spot on the wall that was very intriguing, my neck feeling very hot. 

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