Finding Nico

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Again, Banana, please don't kill me in the first part. Little Draco is just stressed out. He doesn't know what he's doing *cowers in the corner*

To everyone else; Enjoy!

Also, the title doesn't have a lot to do with the whole chapter, I just thought it was perfect



I woke up to the sound of birds and a thump. I shot up in the bed, looking around the dorm to what caused the noise.

"I'm okay!" Percy called from the floor next to his bed. He tried to untangle himself from the sheets. I laughed and reached across the bed to wake Nico. We shared a double bed (all those with dirty minds, we don't do anything. Gods.). All I found was empty sheets. Maybe he woke up early and went down to the common room? I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stretched. Today was a Sunday, meaning there were no classes. That meant I could do whatever I wanted. Probably homework, to be honest. The teachers are down my neck this year telling me that my grades affect my future. Screw them, I'm not even a wizard. I don't have a future in magic.

I left the dormitory with my black robe slung over my orange camp shirt. I didn't have to wear the robe, but I liked having it on. It swished.

The common room was filled with students doing homework, napping on the chairs and playing around with Fred and George's fireworks. There was no sign of Nico though.

"Hey, Hermione." I waved and sat next to her on the couch. "Have you seen Nico?"

"Nope." She didn't look up from her book. 

"Do you know where he might be?"

She shook her head.

"Have you seen Harry?" I asked.

She shook her head again.

"Interesting..." I mumbled. Nico was looking at Harry often lately, as if he was thinking about something. It was like his mind couldn't come to a decision. 

"Mmnh." She said, still not taking her eyes off the book.

"Cool. By the way, the school's on fire." I tested her.

"Yeah, it does that sometimes. By the way, the exit is through the window." She finally looked up and rolled her eyes. "Nice try, Will." I shrugged.

"I'm going to breakfast, tell Nico if you see him."

"Will do." She chuckled to herself.

"Haha." I said. "See you."

The halls were more or less empty, most people were either at breakfast or in the common rooms. The Great Hall was filed with students talking and eating, as per usual. I couldn't see Nico or Harry anywhere. I sat down at the table and looked around. I felt cold eyes on the back of my neck and I turned around to see Draco glaring at me. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a waffle. I didn't need to deal with him right now. I stood up from the table and took a bite of the waffle. As I left the Great Hall I could feel myself being followed. I walked faster through the doors into the courtyard. 

"Where's your boyfriend, Solace?" I heard him snarl. I stopped and spun around. 

"What's wrong with you, Malfoy?" I turned a question on him. His hair was a mess, his eyes sunken and ashen circles surrounded them. His skin was a lot paler than usual and he didn't hold his usual 'powerful' demeanour. 

"You didn't answer my question, Solace. Where's your pet?" Draco avoided my question. 

"Nico is not my pet."

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