Paper Hearts

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Ahhhhh! It's late, I'm so sorry. I've had a busy week, and I was kind of avoiding writing this chapter. Hope you like it!




I was still annoyed at Hermione about what happened in potions, but all negative emotions towards her were evaporated at the end-of-term feast. I was able to laugh at Percy, especially when he stuck two carrots under his top lip and pretended to be a vampire.

"You look more like a walrus," Annabeth laughed as Percy tried to suck her blood. He changed tactics and clapped his hands together like a seal. This made us laugh harder.

Granted, the night was bitter-sweet because Ron wasn't here, but that didn't mean that I couldn't enjoy myself. If he wanted to sit with his girlfriend, that was fine. He was just slightly upset that none of us enjoyed Lavender's company.

"Hey, Percy," I said. "Who's Grover?" I ask, remembering his outburst.

"He's my friend from 'Merica." Percy took the carrots out of his mouth and started eating them.

"How do you know Grover?" Annabeth asked, putting her fork down.

"Percy just yelled his name in the common room the other night and started talking." I said.

"We have an empathy link, which means that we can - under circumstances - talk to each other through our minds," Percy explained. "He contacted me last night because he was worried. He had almost fallen into a coma."

"Why?" Hermione asked, looking up from a piece of paper that was on the table between Annabeth and Hermione. They had been looking over it silently, ticking things off with a quill.

"Because I was super tired, and the empathy link means that we can share really strong emotions as well."

"Ah," I nodded. I didn't quite understand, but it made sense to some degree. "So, any plans over the holidays? Are you going back to America or staying with us like last year?"

"I'm pretty sure we're staying at the Burrow." Will said. His arm was wrapped around Nico, who had been quiet all night. "I can't wait for Christmas. I have a couple of ideas for presents-"

"What about Ron? He hasn't been checked off." Annabeth pointed out to Hermione. The latter shook her head and kept her eyes on the list.

"No he hasn't."

"But I got him something, you should too-"

"No. That's alright. I think whatever he gets from Lavender will be satisfactory," Hermione said bitterly. No one made eye contact.

"Harry!" Percy slapped the table, making everyone jump. "I have a very serious question that must be answered with the utmost certainty. Do you know what McDonalds is?"

I stared at him. Of course, I knew what the fast food restaurant McDonalds is. I'd sometimes seen it on the news when Mr Dursley was watching it. It was a new thing to come to the UK that was taken the world by storm. I'd be willing to bet that all muggle-born/half-bloods would know what it was.

"Um, yes?" I answered cautiously.

"Thank the gods," Percy sighed.

I was confused, but I didn't press it. I learned last year that these kids have secrets and aren't willing to share them.


After the feast we all made our way up to the common room. We planned to sit around the fire and talk. The common room wasn't as crowded as it usually was. The students we either still packing or they were taking an early night to pack in the morning. Our group settled down on the couches in front of the fire. Sirius used to pop up and talk to me. There was a sudden feeling of sadness, but I pushed it down. I'd already spent too much time dwelling on the past.

The Half-Blood Princes {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now