I'm Sorry

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Luke (ooh a new one)

What have I done? Nico and Will broke up and Percy's in the hospital ward. It's all my fault, and yet, I don't feel as guilty as I should.

I reached down and touched the jewel on her ring. It looked like diamond. Percy had really gone all out, I have no doubt that Aphrodite was involved. It was gorgeous, but I couldn't help feel a pang of jealousy in my chest. I backed away from the sleeping couple.

Was this why I did it? Was this why I obliviated Nico, and told Draco Percy's fatal flaw? Because of petty jealousy? I looked down at her sleeping head, her golden hair sprawled across the sheets, his hand rested on top of them. I died. I had my chance, even if she didn't see me as more than a brother. I should be happy for her, I should help them.

"Luke, you've changed."

Nico's voice rang around in my head. Had I? Had I changed? Because what I did says otherwise. I'm still the monster that everyone used to see. Helping Draco isn't going to get me to Elysium. It isn't going to get me rebirth. This was my shot at a second chance.

"Why are you here?" I spun around to see Draco.

"I could ask you the same thing," I whispered back. He grumbled and walked over to Percy. Getting out his wand, he held it above the sleeping boy. "Wait!" Draco stopped.

"What? You going to stop me?" He sneered. "Getting cold feet?" 

"No." I said defensively. He raised his wand again and started the spell. "Draco, I'm just saying that maybe you should leave him alone." He stopped mid-incantation. 

"Will you stop telling me what to do?" He whispered harshly. "The Dark Lord will kill me if he doesn't die. I'm already late to deliver information."

"What information?"

"That I'm in the process of killing both targets. That he," Draco nodded his head at the bed, "Is a demigod. That I know how to kill him, and I have some ideas of how to get rid of the old man."

"You need to be careful," I warned him. 

"What? No one suspects me. Anyone who knows about my mission has forgotten." He raised an eyebrow. "Isn't that right, Luke?" I looked down at the floor. He knows that I regret it. 

"You know, just because it's a full moon tomorrow night, doesn't mean that you have to be so cold." Draco flinched. I had hit a cord. "That's right. Don't think I don't take note of the moon cycle. Whenever you have to transform, you get like this. You don't have a clear head. You need to trust me when I say, leave Percy alone. Now is not the time to kill him, or hurt him again. He's already weak." 

Draco shifted, thinking it over. "Fine. The package should be arriving tomorrow anyway. But I don't want you to back out again. You're here to help, so help." He walked out. I watched him go. I guess it's not redemption, but I'm trying. I'll try to protect Percy as long as I can. He makes her happy, I thought as I looked at the ring again. 

She deserves to be happy. 



It was a perfect day. The sun was out, there were birds in the trees somewhere. I looked around. I was at Camp Half-Blood, outside the Hades cabin. There were voices inside. I pushed open the slightly ajar door and froze.

It was myself, on the bed, talking to Piper and Hazel. I looked younger, it was before I went to Hogwarts. My hair was slightly shorter, but I still had the same fashion sense. I was wearing my black jeans with a black T-shit with a white skull. Piper and Hazel were sitting on either side of me. I was lying on the bed, looking up at the ceiling.

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