Betting on Friends ;)

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I wrote most of this when I was slightly sleep deprived and really anxious, so I relate to all of my characters on an emotional level.

This dedication is probably a one time thing, but I feel like she needed it. She wanted the idea of the betting, and Percy's character in this chapter REPRESENTS her on a daily basis. Ophelia, don't worry. You'll get credit for coming up with the next chapter (you know which part I'm talking about) :P




After about two months of the nightmares and restless sleep, my tiredness starts to show. Annabeth seems concerned, but I don't tell her. She doesn't need to worry, not when there's enough going on at school.

It was the first match of the Quidditch season, Gryffindor versus Slytherin, and the whole school was in a buzz. Each student was showing their team spirit; scarves, hats and robes each in the different team colours. Luna had even shown up to breakfast, her face covered in red and gold paint in the shape of a lion. She's not even Gryffindor, so it's nice to see the other houses supporting the teams. I was wearing my Gryffindor scarf and gloves because it was cold, mainly. I hate having a cold neck. The other reason was school spirit. I've gotta show my support for Harry's team.

Annabeth showed up to breakfast dressed in the normal school robes with a red and gold beanie. She slid next to me and grabbed some pancakes. I guess one glance at me was enough to worry her, because she dropped her knife against the plate and turned her body to face me.

"Percy Jackson, why aren't you sleeping?" She demanded. I shrugged it off, trying to stay awake, but my eyes were so heavy, it wouldn't take much to just...

Annabeth flicked my forehead.

"You didn't answer my question."

"Just can't." Was my answer.

"Not good enough." Annabeth told me. "Your head is about to collapse into your bowl. You have bags so deep that I could fill them with the porridge. Why aren't you sleeping?"

"Keep waking up." The room was so loud. Was it always this loud? Shouts and yells echoed around me, it was just noise. I stifled a yawn. She was right, I'm about to collapse into my bowl of porridge. Why'd I grab a bowl of porridge? I don't even really like porridge.

"Percy!" Piper shouted as she ran up to us. I jumped. Did she shout? It was loud. "I heard that you think Jason's going to get hit with a bludger and I've come to defend my boyfriend." She grinned. Then her face fell. "Percy, are you tired?"

"No." I replied stubbornly. "And I did say that Jason's going to get hit. It's the normal trend." I wiped my face with my hand and stretched.

"Well then, let's have a little bet." Piper grinned evilly. "Twenty drachmas that he doesn't get hit."

"I'll take that action." I grinned and we shook. I don't have that kind of money, what am I doing?! Although, even when I'm completely sleep deprived, I can tell that Jason attracts things that hit his head. If something has the possibility of hitting him, it will.

"Well, I'll see you down at the match." Piper smirked and walked off.

"You are going to loose." Annabeth said.

I acted offended. "Excuse me? Jason is always getting hit with bricks, bludgers, flying cauldrons..."

"When did he get hit with a flying cauldron?!" Annabeth exclaimed. I quickly shut my mouth, no one was supposed to know about our little... incident with our wands, spell books and cauldrons.

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