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The train whistle blew and the train shuddered as it left the station. The compartment was quiet as everyone relished in what was left of the Christmas break. Annabeth was still leafing through the book Percy had gotten for her as a Christmas present, completely captivated by the book of modern architecture. Nico had fallen asleep on Will's shoulder, the latter lost in space, staring out the window. 

"It's so quiet without Leo," I broke the peaceful silence. But I was right. Leo had seen us off at the station, waving frantically and promising to send coffee beans to Percy. He wanted to get back to his girlfriend, Calypso. Mrs Weasley was going to take him to the airport. 

"Yeah." Annabeth said. "Hey, did you know that a year after the Big Ben was built, it split in two? I can't believe I didn't know that before."

Percy laughed softly, his head against the wood. "You're adorable. But Mrs Weasley's pie has definitely put me into a food coma."

"We ate that last night, Percy," Jason laughed. 

"I know. Shut up Jason." Percy's head rolled to the side and his eyes closed. It seemed like everyone in the compartment was tired. The holidays were definitely exhausting. We had spent most of our time outside flying around the garden playing a makeshift game of quidditch. I was actually surprised to find out that Percy was afraid of heights. And so was Nico. They both refused to get on the broom. Instead, they resorted to bullying the garden gnomes. 



We arrived at the school just after sunset. After stuffing our faces with whatever could fit, we made our way up to the common room. On the third floor, I pulled Annabeth, Hermione and Percy to the side. 

"Oh, Will. This had better be good. I need to sleep." Percy clutched his stomach. "All this food needs to digest."

"Actually," I said, nodding at Hermione who understood, "I think you might like this."

"Percy, we decided that we can't have you loosing sleep anymore-" Hermione started. 

"Well good then," Percy went to leave. 

"Oh no you don't." Annbeth grabbed his arm. 

"Percy, we made you a sleeping drug." Hermione held the vial up to him. The liquid inside was purple and translucent. 

"It will allow you to skip the dreaming stage of sleep all together, meaning as soon as you take it, you enter deep sleep. It also means that you won't be able to be awoken until you have slept a full seven hours at least. Which might have it's drawbacks, but it was the best solution we could come up with." I explained. 

"It's a combination of muggle medicine from your time and magic from mine," Hermione added. "It'll probably be your best bet to getting a better nights sleep in case the nightmares return."

"Thanks you guys, I really appreciate it." Percy took the vial. "But surely there isn't enough for even two nights."

"It's incredibly strong. Do not, under any circumstance, take more than a single drop per night." Annabeth warned. 

"Alright." Percy stuffed it in his robes. "Now, can we please go up to bed?" 

I laughed. "Of course, let's go."



The first week was slow, to say the least. Our new timetable for the year was slightly different so it took a little bit of time to find the quickest route between classes. It was a Saturday night, and I was swamped with homework already. Snape just loved to make sure that we couldn't get a wink of sleep. Annabeth and Hermione refused to help, insisting that I need to be able to edit my essays myself. I think it's stupid, but I can understand. They're right. 

I was writing my Defence essay when my quill snapped. The tip just - broke. I cursed under my breath and sat back into the couch, hoping it could swallow me whole. I have quidditch practise tomorrow morning, and I still have to finish reading chapter four for potions. I need to finish this essay tonight. 

"I have a spare quill upstairs next to my bed," Neville said, noticing my problem. 

"Thanks Neville." I pulled myself upwards and headed up the stairs. I prolonged my inevitable fate by taking small steps. The door to the dormitory was open slightly, which I didn't think was strange. What I thought was strange was the fact that Ron was sighing and staring out the window. 

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" He sighed. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused, and headed over to Neville's bed. If Ron was going to be weird, I'm going to let him. Then I felt something crunch under my foot. It was a wrapper for some kind of candy. 

"Divine," I grimaced. I looked around the room. "Had yourself a late night snack?" The wrappings were everywhere. Ron turned around, his eyes glazed, hugging a heart shaped box. 

"It was on your bed. I thought I'd try one." 

"Or twenty," I scoffed. 

"I just can't stop thinking about her, Harry." He sighed again. I rolled my eyes. I couldn't get mixed up in this again. I've either got to be Hermione's friend or Ron's - I can't be both. Not without being caught in the middle. 

"Okay then," I said and dug around in Neville's draw, looking for the quill. I found it and turned around, coming face to face with Ron. I yelped and jumped back into the drawers. 

"I think I'm in love with her!" Ron exclaimed. He leant backwards in delight and I took my opportunity. 

"Alright then." I stepped to the side. 

"Do you think she knows I exist?" He asked. 

"I should bloody well hope so, you've been snogging for three months." I rolled my eyes and started towards the door. 

"Snogging? Who are you talking about?"

I spun around. "Who are you talking about?" 

"Romilda. Romilda Vane." 

I was taken aback. "Alright, sure. Very funny." I turned again, but was met with a chocolate box to the head. "What was that for?" 

"It's not funny! I'm in love with her!" Ron got defensive. 

"Alright! Fine! Have you ever met her?"

Ron paused. "No. Do you think you could introduce me?" I walked catiously around to my bed where a letter lay. It was a signed note from Romilda that smelt like something from Fred and George's shop. I breathed a sigh of frustration. 

"Come on Ron," I said, "I'll take you to Romilda." Ron leapt to the door, his face lit up as if it was made of sunshine. 

"Do you think she loves me back?" He asked, hopeful. 

"I sure hope not," I mumbled, low enough for him to miss, as I led him down to Slughorn's office. 

The Half-Blood Princes {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now